TMPGEncV11e beta availability? : LUSENET : Video CD : One Thread

The link for downloading TMPGEnc beta version 11e at no longer works. Does anyone know of another site from which this version of TMPGEnc can be downloaded?

-- Brian Hanks (, May 27, 2000


I just tried this site and it still works.

-- klebsiella (, May 27, 2000.

I found the same problem for downloading TMPEGEnc ver 11e, but not ver 11f.

-- Beni K. (, May 28, 2000.

Thanks for the responses. I have versions 11a and 11f, but the current english language patch will work only on 11e. Does anyone know of a patch that will work on a version other than lle?

-- Brian Hanks (, May 28, 2000.

The site has fix the broken link. So, it does work now. Have a try.

-- Beni K. (, May 29, 2000.

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