Y2K Preps...How well did they last ?

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This is a question for those that laid in some extra supplies ..just in case and kind of follows on from Carlos's post below.

How well did your predictions match the reality?

I prepped for different periods for different items.eg TP a year,dog food 5 months,tea 9 months,fats 9 months,protein 6 months,butter & eggs 3 months.

Much to my amazement we have been consuming as predicted although the consumption of vegeables has been much higher.

The money we took out to tidy us over has also lasted much longer than I thought it would. Perhaps because I did not have to go shopping for about 4 months! Things not used to date...matches & shotgun shells.

-- Chris (griffen@globalnet.co.uk), May 27, 2000


My canned food pantry is still bursting, as I had made allowances to provide for others.

Also, I will be wiping my ass tax-free for a LONG LONG time.

-- Uncle Deedah (unkeed@yahoo.com), May 27, 2000.

Ravioli is 75% gone. Canned veggies are 40% gone. Haven't touched the freeze-dried veggies. Tuna is 90% gone. Crushed tomatoes - have 50+ cans left. I use it to make spaghetti sauce & I have 20 lbs. of pasta left, so looks like we'll be carbo-loading for another three months.

My wife & I put together a care package last night for some friends who are struggling. Hope their cats eat Nine Lives. They're getting a case of it.

Our submersible pump failed last weekend. Couldn't replace it until Monday (where were ya Unk?). No problem. Plenty of water in 55 gallon drums for drinking, cooking, washing & flushing. It really felt good to know we didn't have to scramble for water.

We have enough paper products & toiletries to last the rest of the year.

I thought I had put up plenty of tuna. I realize now it wouldn't have been nearly enough.

-- Bingo1 (howe9@shentel.net), May 27, 2000.

Uncle Deedah,

LOL ... that was quite unexpected!

-- Debra (!!!!@!!!!.com), May 27, 2000.

Your donations are always welcome if y'all have too much. Since my daughter moved out again, we play a weekly game of "Go fish." Do you have any more tuna helper? 1 box. Do you have any more tuna? Go fish. Do you have any more Charmin? Go fish. Do you have any more toilet paper? 16 rolls.

-- Anita (Anita_S3@hotmail.com), May 27, 2000.

hello chris hope all is well. last year may prove to be a rehersal for the coming energy crisis stay on your toes dont relax to soon.


-- bob (Bob@ghoward-oxley.demon.uk.), May 27, 2000.

Since Chubby Hubby and I both went on fat free diets, I gave two pickup loads of food to friends who are having a tough time due to his illness. But other than somethings which I have had to replace with fat free, like soups, its done really well. Since we drink/use little milk, have our own eggs(which I give most of them to nursing home)and make my own bread, shopping is not much more than a beer run for Chubby Hubby lately. I just can't believe how much money I DON'T spend at the grocery store. I will "go shopping" and instead of $300 its $30. I love having the grocery store in my back room and not having to go shopping. The one thing we would have run out of is dry potato flakes and canned cream corn. I often toss in creamed corn when making gravy. I could have used more bread flour, but have 600# of wheat for back up. Its just that I am lazy. We have not used any of the ammo or the matches either. I use my Ben Jay radio all the time and my wind up flash light. And with the severe fire danger that our area faces right now I am sooooooooo glad to have that 40kw generator. In a forest fire the power lines are the first of services to go. That means no water from well. So I am delighted we spent all that money for that generator. We have some more prepping to do. We are in the process of having an inground swimming pool put in. Chubby Hubby is going to get a water pump with fire hose where he can pump large, long stream right out of the pool We need a couple of good catagory 2 hurricanes to get some relief. Tax

-- Taz (Tassie123@AOL. com), May 27, 2000.

Hi Taz, Gotcha !I just knew you were lurking.LOL

Bingo, I too have alot of tinned tomatoes.I started turning them into tomato relish which was really good.So good that I ate too much & suffered .

So I gave the remaining jars to the family.I am now taking repeat orders.You have to understand that this is some kind of miracle because I'm not a cook !!

If anybody wants the recipe,let me know.

PS.Hello to you too,Bob. So if you want the recipe

-- Chris (griffen@globalnet.co.uk), May 27, 2000.

I'm getting sick of rice, so I decided I'll save the rest until Jesus comes back and ask him to turn it into Filet Mignons.

Al-d, can you let me know when you get "the signal" and send him over to my house? I'll give you some of the steaks. :-)

-- Hawk (flyin@hi.again), May 27, 2000.

I picked up a serious Spam jones.

-- Porky (Porky@in.cellblockD), May 27, 2000.

My wife and myself are terrible spendthrifts so we're often broke,on those days out come the rice and beans.She complains vigorously 'till I remind her(in sanctimonious preachy tones)that she should be glad we're just eating it untill payday.It never seems to make it more palatable for her,though.

-- zoobie (zoobiezoob@yahoo.com), May 27, 2000.

We didn't go to a grocery store until the beginning of April. We still have quite a fit of the canned veggies & fruit left. Ran out of TP LONG ago but still have plenty of paper towels. Used the gasoline up earlier when a paycheck fell far short of what was needed (plumbing emergency). Still haven't touched the canned milk though...

Hormel canned ham with Campbell's mexican cheese sauce (add powdered milk and water) and pasta is GOOD!

-- Deb M. (vmcclell@columbus.rr.com), May 27, 2000.

I have always canned vegetables, when they are in season, I do well most of the time. Last year my preps were more and this year I have saved a lot of money. I will also need this money with a daughter getting married, god, why don't people just go to a preacher?

-- ET (bneville@zebra.net), May 27, 2000.


I am new to this forum, so I wasn't involved in most of the discussions that you refer to. We didn't do anything special for Y2k. We normally freeze or can enough food to last until August. We are running a surplus. Last year was not a good year; but we got about 3000lbs of pears and a like amount of apples. We canned some and left the rest for the wildlife. We will have enough vegetables to last through 2001; likely will throw some away again. Can't donate them because home canned foods aren't accepted. H*ll, we still have peaches from 1997. Will have to start eating faster.


-- Gregor (Gregor10001@yahoo.com), May 27, 2000.


Welcome to the forum! Please don't be afraid to chime in anytime.

Can't donate them because home canned foods aren't accepted.

This is a real shame. Perhaps you can have a pick your own day organized with the local shelter/food bank? Probably enough red tape to choke a mule.

-- Bingo1 (howe9@shentel.net), May 27, 2000.

I ditto Bingo's thoughts, Gregor. Welcome to the forum. I like the name Gregor.

I must ask, however, was 3,000 a typo? If not, I can't imagine 3,000 lbs. of either pears or apples. This was a BAD year, you say?

-- Anita (Anita_S3@hotmail.com), May 27, 2000.

Groan. Tuna is about half gone, and we have 5 very happy cats. Canned roast beef and barbecued pork not touched yet. Used maybe 1/5 of the canned baked beans, 1/8 of the canned chicken and dumplings, 1 case each of the green beans and peas (out of 4 cases each visible), gave away 5 cases of canned potatoes and still have 5 visible (used 1 can so far), the next food drive gets all the canned carrots, beets, tomatoes, and corn (none used yet), made a goodly dent in the canned pasta, used ALL the coffee (60 pounds). Gave about a dozen cases of *something* to the last food drive. The second row against the wall of maybe 40 cases of God Only Knows (I can't see it) obviously hasn't been touched yet. Very small dents in the cases of spices, condiments, and vitamins. And we're about halfway through the TP and paper towels and bottled water. Haven't really touched any of the cases of sliced grapefruit and orantes. Grocery bills have been low all year, and promise to stay that way for at least another year.

We've long since gone through our 10,000 rounds of ammunition, and we're about halfway through our next 10,000 rounds.

-- Flint (flintc@mindspring.com), May 28, 2000.

Gregor, Welcome.We too had a fruit glut last year.In the Uk we do not have the tradition of canning.The equipement would have to be ordered from the USA.We just gave away alot to local achools as soon as it was picked.


I am intrigued.What have you been shooting ?

-- Chris (griffen@globalnet.co.uk), May 28, 2000.

"Pollys," of course. LOL

-- (hmm@hmm.hmm), May 28, 2000.


Just a guess, but 3000 lbs is probably a good guess in a bad year. I don't have an orchard but I cleared little areas around the place and planted fruit trees to provide food for wildlife [some years ago]. They are all mature. Many are land race varieties [so to speak] and only require mowing. They are all mature now. Attrack deer, turkey, etc and, along with the persimmons, the worlds largest concentration of possums.


-- Gregor (Gregor10001@yahoo.com), May 28, 2000.


I'm with Chris! What in the heck are you shooting with? Yesterday was day 145, that works out to about 69 rounds a day and something like 483 a week. Do you have an Uzi or M16? Do you have a range in your home? I hope you reload!!!


-- Flash (flash@sportsman's.club), May 28, 2000.


60 Pounds of Coffee. My man, aint you jittery? How many in the household? I go through a pound a week for two-you?

Just curious. LOL.

-- FutureShock (gray@matter.think), May 28, 2000.

Jeeezus, how does Flint have time to post to the forum? It sounds like he spends all of his time with a gun in one hand and a cup of coffee in the other!

To use "Flint Lingo" (PC) I would say he is "a big fan of hyperbole". To use my lingo, I would say he lies like a rug. :-)

-- Hawk (flyin@hi.again), May 28, 2000.

It's like this. We like to keep a pot of fresh coffee ready all the time we're awake. This means a new pot every hour or so, whether we drink any of it or not (sometimes we don't). With all that coffee sitting there, we thought we could do this for a year. Didn't work out that way, so now when we want it fresh, we wait for it to finish. Poor coffee management is what happened to all those cans.

As for the guns, this is our hobby. Seven thousand of those rounds were .22's, and I go through about 500 of them per shooting hour and shoot a couple of hours a week. My wife shoots competitively with larger calibers (.40 S&W and 9mm), and practices more than I do, not counting the competitions. Each of her practice sessions consumes 200- 300 larger rounds, plus another 100 or so at meets. I own 3 .22 pistols and one rifle, and one .40 cal pistol, while my wife owns two .40 cal pistols and one 9mm pistol. I'll fire a few clips of .40 every few weeks just so I remember what it's like, and my wife will do the same with the .22's in the hopes she'll someday find it more fun, since they're so much cheaper. But that hasn't happened yet, sigh.

The larger bullets are all reloads, and end up costing about $120 per 1000 rounds. NOT a cheap hobby, but a whole lot of fun.

-- Flint (flintc@mindspring.com), May 28, 2000.

What is so fun about shooting 1000 bullets at the same target every week, and how many years do you think it will take before you learn to hit it?

-- Hawk (flyin@hi.again), May 28, 2000.

It's not the same target, nor the same gun, nor the same distance. As for learning to hit it, that process never ends. If you're accurate close up, move back. If you're accurate at a stationary target, shoot at a moving target. You can *always* make things more challenging as you improve.

As for why this is fun, I can't say. I may as well ask you what's so much fun about incorrectly calling the same person a liar over and over, and making consistently false assumptions? Hell, these things come so naturally to you that you don't even need to practice. So where's the fun for you?

-- Flint (flintc@mindspring.com), May 28, 2000.


A favorite quote on this subject was by H. Beam Piper once wrote "A spent bullet is never a wasted one." Target shooting is a great time to relax, develop hand-eye coordination, and meet good friends. It's healthier than some other hobbies I've heard of...

-- Deb M. (vmcclell@columbus.rr.com), May 28, 2000.


You're right. Target shooting is relaxing, rewarding and challenging. And very safe. Highly recommended.

But some people here, who obviously haven't tried it, just can't seem to accept that target shooting consumes lots of bullets! For those considering that pastime, be warned. It's addictive and expensive, and your gun collection will grow no matter how determined you are that it won't.

-- Flint (flintc@mindspring.com), May 28, 2000.

Okay Flint, according to what you are telling us, between you and your wife you're spending in excess of $200 a week (that's $800+ a month) just on bullets, not to mention the range fees. That's more than I pay on my house mortgage. No one that I know other than those who make their entire living by professional shooting competition goes through that many bullets, and theirs are paid for by their sponsors. If you're not a liar, then you must be pretty wealthy. If I use the same basis that you use in your arguments (if you haven't seen something before, it isn't possible) then you're a liar. You've called me a liar MANY times before, just in different PC terms. I think you like to exaggerate when you brag about yourself, but hey, that's JMO. :-)

-- Hawk (flyin@hi.again), May 28, 2000.


I appreciate your shooting hobby, although I don't do it as much as when I was younger. Glad to hear that most are .22's!!! What kind of .40's and 9mm do you have? I recently bought a SIG P-229 (.40) and after not having shot for several years, managed to outshoot everyone else in a recent class. The day before, I had used an old military Browing P-35 with original sights and did reasonably well but not good enough to even place. I'ts now the weapon that I trust my life to.

P.S. let's not call it a .40 S&W anymore, after the S&W sellout to Klintoon.


Sometimes it's fun to add pictures of Kaddahfy or Khomeni or any other "villain du jour" to spice up the action. I can think of a couple of contemporary American faces that I'd like to use, but they must remain nameless. Fidel Castro's mug would be nice if I could find a suitable likeness. Worst case, just put up any JBGT-like likeness and write ATF or even Government THUG on it and it works fine! Amazing how this improves accuracy!!!

-- Flash (flash@the.range), May 28, 2000.


A carton of 500 .22's costs about $16 or so. Where do you come up with the big numbers? I calculate that he is probably spending maybe $75 a week. As far as range fees go, he's probably a member of a local sportsman's club and gets to use the range free.

-- Flash (flash@practice.makes.perfect), May 28, 2000.

Flash, it sounds like you forgot to include the cost of his wife's bullets.

-- Hawk (flyin@hi.again), May 28, 2000.


Yes, that's pretty close. The Federal .22 hollowpoints are $9 for a box of 550 at WalMart. We buy a lot of those boxes, since I go through about 2 boxes a week. The .40 reloads come to about $12 per sack of 100, and we go through about 3-5 of those a week. Of course we use better bullets for competition, but not nearly so many. About $65-$75 a week is pretty typical, NOT counting new guns of course, and not counting cleaning supplies. Yes, the range time is free at the clubs (we belong to two local clubs).

I think Hawk is persisting with his false assumptions, which come to him so naturally. If he knew what he was talking about, his posts would be less entertaining.

My wife and I both shoot Sig P239 pistols in .40, and she also owns one of those Smith-Walther P99's. Her 9mm is a Sig P226. My .22's are all Rugers including the rifle. Nothing else I've tried comes close to the Rugers in their ability to feed *anything*, never jam or stovepipe. And since they are more accurate than I am, I can't complain about accuracy either. I had a rotten experience trying to get both a Smith 22A and the Sig-Hammerli Trailside to feed and extract consistently, and finally gave up on them.

My wife carries her P239 with her wherever she goes. I usually carry a Beretta Tomcat, which I fired once. I wouldn't want to shoot at anything more than a maximum of 10 feet away with it, but it's small and light and fits in my pocket.

-- Flint (flintc@mindspring.com), May 28, 2000.

Read your own words jackass! In your previous reply you stated that your wife shoots MORE than you do (3,4 times a week, plus competitions?) at 300-400 rounds a time, and her rounds cost $120 per 1000. Better use your calculator because you obviously can't do math, or maybe you were just bullshitting? :-)

-- Hawk (flyin@hi.again), May 28, 2000.


What seems to be your problem? Why would I bother to lie about our hobby? Are you sure you're not assuming I'd lie just because you figure everyone else is just like you?

Anyway, your ability to generate false assumptions is still masterful. You're quite right, I wrote (and meant) that my wife practices more than I do. That's more *often*, not more *bullets*.

Sheesh. We shoot a lot. We really do. We like it, probably as much as you like using false assumptions to support unjustified attacks. We probably aren't as good at our hobby yet as you are at yours. Could be we haven't been practicing as long.

-- Flint (flintc@mindspring.com), May 28, 2000.

Lol Flint, whatever you say. I think you're the type of guy who catches a 10" fish, then goes to the bar and tells his buddies he caught an 18-incher. I know that you don't care what I think, and I don't care what you say, but just for the record, I think you're a "recreational bullshitter". Too bad they didn't let you in at EZ, you'd fit right in with the "Zogladites" over there. Just a tip... you might have better luck hitting the bullseye if you didn't drink so much coffee. Happy shooting. :-)

-- Hawk (flyin@hi.again), May 28, 2000.


It's quite clear you don't care what I say even enough to *read* it. From which I conclude that this makes it easier to be wrong? It's clear you've perfected methods of getting things wrong most people have never even dreamed of. Otherwise, you might accidentally get something right now and then. And I can at least recognize and admire true expertise when I see it.

Believe it or not, some people actually set out to *hit* the target. Weird, huh?

-- Flint (flintc@mindspring.com), May 28, 2000.

i couldn't take it anymore. i stocked up for what i thought was six months or more--my family plus to help the neighbors who weren't doing anything. regular stuff that we would use everyday. well as soon as the new year passed, kids and i began eating out as usual and barely made a dent in the food. here it is SIX MONTHS later and i am tired of NOT shopping and being concerned about expiration dates passing. SOOOOOOOOO..........i just gave it ALL AWAY recently!!! it was fun. they even came to pick it up!!!!! four trips in a big station wagon! lots and lots of great stuff for a local christian organization that 1) didn't make fun of me, and 2) helps the homeless and poor single moms, etc. we did have a good laugh about what a good planner i was! it felt great. nice tax write off too.

so now i will restock for my own family a month or so at a time. i will never not be prepared but i did a bit too much and am THRILLED to be rid of it.

-- tt (cuddluppy@aol.com), May 28, 2000.

GREGOR!! holy cow. 1000 lb of pears!?? oh my. you guys put all that up? if you can't make a dent--let others come and pick from your trees this year---maybe you can even sell em or offer to let folks barter with you. wow. i was overwhelmed with my little two gardens i just can't imagine the sheer determination it takes to use up that much produce.

-- tt (cuddluppy@aol.com), May 28, 2000.

Flint, I visited a Firing Range (and participated) last year. Hawk, are you reading? I saw Grandmothers and teenage kids firing rounds. It was a world I had never seen or imagined. The Grandmothers aimed with determined accuracy, and the teens were being instructed by their wholesome looking parents. I thought I had stepped into the "Twilight Zone". Hawk, there are average people paying bucks to practice shooting. Some camp for a whole weekend, and practice shooting, this is what they do. TT, Cuddle, you believed the Marketer about the expiration date on your canned food. I can't believe you fell for that one.

-- Truth (for@llofus.org), May 28, 2000.

Get a thermos. It is a sin to waste good coffee!

-- atrialfib (atrialfib@cardiacarrest.com), May 29, 2000.

Flint, Gosh !!Didn't mean to set you up a lure for Hawk. I'm a 20 cup of coffee a day person myself.60lbs wouldn't have gone anywhere in my house !

-- Chris (griffen@globalnet.co.uk), May 29, 2000.

Howdy, Folks.

Lotsa food, water, and medicines left. I like being prepared for emergencies, so whenever we use sompin', I restock. I kept a spreadsheet of we bought, and add and subtract to it whenever we use/shop.

An interesting note; some of the local business folks are taking cans in lieu of money. They are having a drive for the Capitol Area Food Bank in Austin, Texas. As a result, I've been able to take in movies @ the Alamo Drafthouse Cinema for the price of 2 cans of tuna fish per person(I bought @ $.30 a can, regular theater admission is $3.50). Pretty cool!

Peace and Love,


-- Donald Shimoda (enlighten@me.com), May 30, 2000.

I still have beaucoup canned goods that I don't want to eat. I intend to keep 1/3 of them and give the rest away. I have thirty 2 1/2 gallon plastic bottles of Aqua-Pure distilled water. Never unsealed. I wonder how long this water remains potable. I have several cartons of Alco-Brite canned heat. Not cheap but the easiest thing I could do to provide an indoor, non-polluting heat source. I wonder if some charity would want this? I think I'll keep 20% of it. Naturally I have batteries, TP, Kleenex, vitamin pilss, paper towels, toothpaste, soap, etc. All will be used in due time. I ate all my chocalate bars by Jan 15.

-- Lars (lars@indy.net), May 30, 2000.

My stuff's just about gone, now, except for the pasta, rice and beans.

Never bought a gun, nor toilet paper.....

Wished I'd stocked up on more gasoline at .99/gal; that'd helped.

Heyl g00d t0 see ya, Flint.

-- lisa (lisa@work.now), May 31, 2000.

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