Is it possible change Video 1246 kbs and Audio 128 Kbs in PANASONIC ? : LUSENET : Video CD : One Thread

Dear friends,

Would it be better VCD quality if I change the video bitrate to 1246 and audio to 128 in PANASONIC MPEG encoder plug-in Premiere ?

Would any CD burner accept it and later on can be played on any stand alone VCD player after written on CDR ?

(Sorry, I should try it by myself actually, but I just want to save my cd-rom.......:-))

Please help me also as I tried to download TMPEG program in this site : it always said that error 404, the requested file is not on this server.

Why many complain about PANASONIC wash-out the colour while I don't ? If I use TV colour tone correction, yes it washed, but not PC color.

Please let me know as I can't find the differences, between Half Pel and Full Pel after it's encoded.

Many thanks for your kind help and attention.


-- Sunar Karjadi (, May 27, 2000


Yes, I have made video-cd's using the Panasonic MPEG encoder 2.3 with a bitrate up to 1310Kbit video and 64Kbit for audio. Video-pack 4.0 burns the video-cd without any problem and the video-cd plays perfectly in my standalone Panasonic SL-VP35 video-cd player.

-- Stefan Kuipers (, May 27, 2000.

When you play with video/audio bitrate, the resulting mpeg clip is no longer supported by true VCD authorwares. This does not mean that it can not be done. All you have to do is select mpeg stream type instead of VCD, then you can change the video/audio bitrate as you wish. Nero, video pak4, and NTI will accept this none standard mpeg clip as VCD content for authoring to CD-R; However, some standalone DVD players may not. I have two Pioneer DVD players, DV525 and DV302C, which will play the higher video bitrate ok. If you are going to bump up video bitrate for the sake of quality, then i would suggest to start at 1600Kb/s to 2600kb/s. As for audio bitrate, i would leave it at standard VCD, since you are already deviate from VCD standard, why degrade the audio?

Panasonic does wash out the colors to a minor degree. It does it in the name of no video blockiness! PC or TV is referring to gamma correction, it does changed the color drastically for the benefit of TV output; However, this is not the washout that people are complaining about. If you look a little closer the next time you encode your clip with panasonic, you will see the color slightly faded from the original clip. The more filters you use on the encoded clip the more color fade you'll see, and the less video blockiness you will observed. Full pixel versus half pixel are one of the many choices you have for filtering option with panasonic encoder (full means no pixel filtering). The pixel filtering option reduces the block noise (video blockiness at high contrast area and high motion scenes) at the expense of image details.

-- lnguyen (, May 27, 2000.

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