If you're feeling gray & blue....greenspun.com : LUSENET : Xeney : One Thread |
What do you do?Yesterday was a *mega challenging* day for me and all I could think that would make it all okay was to have someone come over, me put my head in their lap, and have them brush my hair. That's all I wanted - someone to brush my hair while I layed in their lap on my couch. And things would have been a-okay once again - my universe in order.
How silly is that!
So what do you ***desire*** in your heart on a really sucky day? Long hot bath, ice cream, etc....
-- Anonymous, May 25, 2000
Soup. Chicken noodle soup fixes everything.
-- Anonymous, May 25, 2000
Grays and Blues? Sounds very Civil-ish something.
-- Anonymous, May 25, 2000
I need to have a good long cry, just to get all the stress out. I'm so totally on the verge of a shutdown.Perhaps an evening of Discovery Channel or Animal Planet - a herd of Musk Ox with their babies ought to be enough to turn me into a weepy mess.
-- Anonymous, May 25, 2000
Puppies or kittens. I go to the SPCA and ask to sit in the kitten room or to sit with some puppies. It's impossible for me to remain upset when covered with wriggling, wimpering puppies and their puppy breath or when the kittens have realized you are the greatest toy of all.A close second is going to the Boardwalk and riding the roller coaster. Even if I'm ready to throttle someone to death, a ride on the Giant Dipper will take it all away. Must be the screaming on the first hill.
-- Anonymous, May 25, 2000
going home and talking to *no one* for a few hours. piddling around the house, doing dishes, watching the sky change colour. maybe going to get a coffee. maybe even just driving for awhile. but definitely not talking at all. just being quiet.that and a really good meal and maybe a boy to fall asleep on the couch with.
-- Anonymous, May 25, 2000
I have a friend on the internet who means the absolute world to me. He's the kind of man who can make you smile no matter what you're thinking or going through. I'll email him and say that I need some support or something to make me smile and he'll be there whenever I ask. He *always* makes me feel better... so, if I'm having a "sucky" day, he's what I desire. :o)
-- Anonymous, May 26, 2000
Quiet. Sauna or hot tub. Time to relax (if I can).Something good to eat.
Someone who understands.
-- Anonymous, May 26, 2000
Watching hockey!!! I can scream and yell at all the sucky cheap shot players that I hate, and when the Stars win, all is right with the world.Hey, I'm easy to please :)
-- Anonymous, May 26, 2000
Nighttime blues? The truest cure is when my sweet one makes us supper, and snuggles me close, and shows the patience of Job with my piteous moanings. Then he says "there, there"... and means it.For daytime greys, there's nothing in all the world like spending an hour or an afternoon over coffee with either of my two best friends, both of whom have known me for lo these many years (and yet seem to like me anyway.) Any time with them has the most wonderful grounding effect for me. It's what I crave.
And if I'm all alone? I make custard. It's simply not possible to be 100% depressed while stirring a pot of hot pudding. Not to mention, it's the ne plus ultra of baby-yourself comfort food!
-- Anonymous, May 29, 2000
I can almost always cheer myself up through cooking. Even if I don't really feel like eating, making myself go through the motions of washing, chopping and sauteeing veggies with some loud music on always helps me unwind from stress and improves my mood. There's something about the smell of garlic sizzling in olive oil...
-- Anonymous, May 31, 2000