Using DV type 1 with Panasonic : LUSENET : Video CD : One Thread |
Rather than find the old posting on this subject in which some said it was possible to use the bbMPEG and Panasonic encoders for Type 1 and some of us had found it impossible or only possible in half frames sizes. In answer to a VCD post on another site I received this:-------------------------- DV Type 1 and 2:
- DirectShow based avi2mpeg (bbMPEG) was specifically modifyed to allow changing of DV resolution setting - check "Edit filters" BEFORE adding avi file - and you'll be prompted to ajust MS DV codec properties!
- And, this may be absolete, if your using a newer version of MS DV codec (like - it allows you to save full-frame setting by default.
Panasonic encoder will work perfectly then.
please try it and perhaps give a reply here - thanks
-- Ross McL (, May 25, 2000