C2500L software question.

greenspun.com : LUSENET : Imaging Resource Discussion : One Thread

Hi everybody, I got an "open box deal" on a C2500 recently, and now am kicking myself -- wondering if I got a deal at all. Basically, I got the camera and the SmartMedia card and that's it. I've had excellent success obtaining the accessories to complement it, but my question is WHERE can I obtain the software and the instructions? I couldn't find 'em on the Olympus site..... the camera is currently en route to me, and I'd love to be ready to use it when it arrives! Do I NEED the software? How useful ARE the printed instructions? FYI, I'm Mac-based. Thanks for any help! --Kinda Klueless.

-- Ted Haigh (drcocktail@bigfoot.com), May 24, 2000


Ted--I bought a new 2500 a month or 2 ago, and I'll mail you my CD if you'll mail it back.

Frankly, I have yet to use the software. It includes a version of Adobe PhotoDeluxe (can't remember if it was Business Edition or Home Edition--one came with camera and one came with HP printer) and Camedia software. I've been using my HP P1100 printer to transfer image files so I've never used Camedia.

What you may miss most, however, is the remote control. You CANNOT have mine!

-- Jeffrey Behr (behrjk@uswest.net), May 24, 2000.

That's quite magnanimous of you, Jeff... and I'm an honorable guy, so that would work out well. Before we take that step, however, let me be clear about what I need based on what you said..... IF I have a serial cable hooked from camera-to-Mac, I don't need some sort of driver to upload from the camera onto the hard drive? I'm also buying a SmartMedia Flashpath card - so I can transfer images via my beige G3's floppy drive. I already HAVE the driver for THAT. I just was worried about direct camera-computer connections. Every image I make will be opened in PhotoShop - at least that is my desire. If it still seems to you that I don't NEED any software (beyond my Photoshop) for what I've described, then no lend will be necessary. What do you think? As for the remote... I hear you. I'll make a concerted effort to acquire one -- and thanks for the advice! --Doc.

-- Ted Haigh (drcocktail@bigfoot.com), May 24, 2000.

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