Is there a voice message embedded in the LadyLogic Thread? : LUSENET : TB2K spinoff uncensored : One Thread |
Am I hallucinating, or is there a voice message embedded in the LadyLogic respect thread? As it is loading I hear a message "you don't know the power of the darkside".Please, someone, turn on the volume and tell me if I am going nuts, or if there really is a message.
-- Al-d's Minion (, May 22, 2000
Yes, al. I reported that to you people at least month ago...but nobody seemed to interested. If you look in the left hand corner at the bottom of your screen when you load up AFTER you log on for the first time, you'll see something from Oze...darkside...something or other. There's also one that loads on some from "Homestead". I don't know for sure, but I think someone is tracking us to market to us. THAT'S why I questioned OTFR's intentions awhile back, but decided even if she makes a few cents so what? We don't HAVE to buy anything!
-- (Ladylogic@....), May 23, 2000.
Lady:This is the first time I heard it. You mean to say it has been happening all along? Why do I only hear it on the thread to which I referred?
-- Al-D (, May 23, 2000.
Oops-the handle is supposed to be Al-D's minion-I do not want to be accused of stealing mr driscoll's handle!
-- Al-D's minion (, May 23, 2000.
Earth to Al:Patsy Cline ALWAYS posts that soundclip on ANY thread that mentions Laura. Look at the SOURCE. [To do THIS, use your browser when you're in the thread, click on View, then click on source, then scroll down to above Patsy Cline's name.]
You're not hearing ANY more voices than normal, Al. I hear this one myself. In fact, it's the ONLY reason I click on links associated with Laura. I LOVE that sound-bite.
-- Anita (, May 23, 2000.
Well, Al, I've noticed it on a couple of my threads for quite awhile. This is a guess of course, but I think that maybe when a thread gets to a certain length, it is automatically programmed to run those ads.
Other than that, your guess is as good as mine!??
-- (Ladylogic@...), May 23, 2000.
Here's your sound, Al:
-- Anita (, May 23, 2000.
why is someone USING MY NAME?? WHAT,S THIS ALL ABOUT??? if it,s a flame---i ignore the game.
-- al-d. (, May 23, 2000.
number nine...number nine...number nine...number nine...number nine....
-- Chicken Little (, May 23, 2000.
Block that kick. Block that Kick. Block that kick.
-- FutureShock (gray@matter.think), May 23, 2000.