how do i upload pic files to kodak dc280 : LUSENET : Imaging Resource Discussion : One Thread

how do i upload photo files to camera for slide show after downloading them to computer for editing? is jpeg acceptable format to upload? manual doesn't even cover this. thanks, steve

-- steve ryan (, May 19, 2000


jpg is ok. You cannot put them back on your card via the Kodak software. Sandisk has a reader/writer I just ordered that should do it. I'll find out more after it arriv

-- Mike Sutton (, May 21, 2000.

I use my SanDisk for just that purpose. The camera requires .jpg files so stick with that format. With the SanDisk it's a simple drag and drop process since the compact flash card is seen by the PC as a removable drive. It works quite well. I've edited photos, added text, etc., put them back on the card and used the camera for a slide show while on the road. It works quite well. If you go to or you can pick one up for about $50 including shipping. Make sure you go with the USB version since speed is of the essence.

-- Steve Steinberg (, May 22, 2000.

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