TIPS ON USING THIS FORUM : LUSENET : S-Mart Shopping Cart : One Thread

Hi Everyone,

Thanks to everyone who has contributed to this forum. I would name three or four prominent contributors, but I don't want to leave anyone out. Thanks also to Barry for the original code.

I have just completed spending MANY HOURS reading through years of forum items, and have a few suggestions to those coming here. Suggestions which will help everyone concerned, hopefully.

1. Take time to read through previous items in the forum. I see lots of questions being asked several times. If you go back and read the previous items, you are likely to find your answer, plus you will learn a lot of other things which you may never have thought about. Important things. I know this takes a lot of time, but it is worth it. If you ask a question which has already been answered recently, then your mentors may not be as motivated to post the same answer quite so quickly.

2. If you are new to this code, take time to thoroughly familiarize yourself with all the elements of the code. You need to do your homework. You may answer your own question, and you will also understand your answers when they come.

3. When answers are posted, often they are not readable on your screen because the computers are doing their thing and interpreting code instead of showing it to you. IMPORTANT TIP: If you don't see your answer, then "right click" and select "view source". You will be delighted at the results!

4. Name your questions well. Let the title make sense to those who come after you looking for the same answer. Think about it.

5. If English is your native language, please try to remember to communicate and spell correctly, so everyone will understand your questions. (I understand and appreciate the fact that to some of you English is not your first language.)

6. Finally, remember that what you have here is some good code, plus years of improvements and enhancements posted on the forum. You should expect the process of catching up to take a little time.

Well, I hope all this will help everyone in making this an even better forum. Lots of thanks to all.


God Bless You All


-- Bill Milam (, May 19, 2000



-- Patrick Chan (, May 29, 2000.

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