LL is nutz! nutz! nutz! nutz!

greenspun.com : LUSENET : TB2K spinoff uncensored : One Thread

LL is nutz! nutz! nutz! nutz!

LL is nutz! nutz! nutz! nutz!

LL is nutz! nutz! nutz! nutz!

LL is nutz! nutz! nutz! nutz!

LL is nutz! nutz! nutz! nutz!

I told ya before, but ya'll didn't listen. She is nutz!

Spamming because no one wants to hear from her.

Faking posts to gather support.

Stealing others' handles to post messages.


Gathering info on others to harrass.

Apologizing to gain sympathy so as to gather more info to harrass.


Did I mention lying? And she lies. And lies and lies and lies.

Need I go on? Don't trust the bitch! She is one crazy psycho!

-- LL is nutz! nutz! nutz! (nutz@nutz.nutz.nutz.nutz), May 18, 2000


LL is nutz! nutz! nutz! nutz!

LL is nutz! nutz! nutz! nutz!

LL is nutz! nutz! nutz! nutz!

LL is nutz! nutz! nutz! nutz!

LL is nutz! nutz! nutz! nutz!

I told ya before, but ya'll didn't listen. She is nutz!

Spamming because no one wants to hear from her.

Faking posts to gather support.

Stealing others' handles to post messages.


Gathering info on others to harrass.

Apologizing to gain sympathy so as to gather more info to harrass.


Did I mention lying? And she lies. And lies and lies and lies.

Need I go on? Don't trust the bitch! She is one crazy psycho!

-- LL is nutz! nutz! nutz! (nutz@nutz.nutz.nutz.nutz), May 18, 2000.

LL is nutz! nutz! nutz! nutz!

LL is nutz! nutz! nutz! nutz!

LL is nutz! nutz! nutz! nutz!

LL is nutz! nutz! nutz! nutz!

LL is nutz! nutz! nutz! nutz!

I told ya before, but ya'll didn't listen. She is nutz!

Spamming because no one wants to hear from her.

Faking posts to gather support.

Stealing others' handles to post messages.


Gathering info on others to harrass.

Apologizing to gain sympathy so as to gather more info to harrass.


Did I mention lying? And she lies. And lies and lies and lies.

Need I go on? Don't trust the bitch! She is one crazy psycho!

-- LL is nutz! nutz! nutz! (nutz@nutz.nutz.nutz.nutz)

-- LL is nutz! nutz! nutz! nutz! nutz! nutz! (nutz@nutz.nutz.nutz.nutz), May 18, 2000.

So what are you trying to say exactly?

-- (hmm@hmm.hmm), May 18, 2000.

So what are you trying to say exactly? -- (hmm@hmm.hmm), May 18, 2000.

LL is nutz! nutz! nutz! nutz!

LL is nutz! nutz! nutz! nutz!

LL is nutz! nutz! nutz! nutz!

LL is nutz! nutz! nutz! nutz!

LL is nutz! nutz! nutz! nutz!

I told ya before, but ya'll didn't listen. She is nutz!

Spamming because no one wants to hear from her.

Faking posts to gather support.

Stealing others' handles to post messages.


Gathering info on others to harrass.

Apologizing to gain sympathy so as to gather more info to harrass.


Did I mention lying? And she lies. And lies and lies and lies.

Need I go on? Don't trust the bitch! She is one crazy psycho!

-- LL is nutz! nutz! nutz! nutz! nutz! nutz! (nutz@nutz.nutz.nutz.nutz), May 18, 2000.

Only a dumped ex-lover would be this obsessive. IMHO it must be cavscout.

-- (Th@t's what I .think), May 18, 2000.

Nope. Not cavscout......

-- LL is nutz! nutz! nutz! nutz! nutz! nutz! (nutz@nutz.nutz.nutz.nutz), May 18, 2000.

nice try, tho, Laura....

-- LL is nutz! nutz! nutz! nutz! (nutz@nutz.nutz.nutz.nutz), May 18, 2000.

"Nope, not cavscout....."

We should believe you.....why?

-- (Why @sk .why?), May 18, 2000.

I was[and am still] right about Laura.

LL is nutz! nutz! nutz! nutz! nutz! nutz! nutz! nutz! nutz! nutz! nutz! nutz!

-- LL is nutz! nutz! nutz! nutz! nutz! nutz! (nutz@nutz.nutz.nutz.nutz), May 18, 2000.

I've heard from Cav, he said it's not him harrassing LL. Cav and I got along very well in chat, I believe him.

-- Uncle Deedah (unkeed@yahoo.com), May 18, 2000.

Ya'll are funny. Keeps me coming back.

-- Carlos (riffraff@cybertime.net), May 19, 2000.

Dear "LL is nutz! nutz! nutz! nutz! nutz! nutz!",

I guess I'm a little drowzy or something, what was it you were trying to say?


-- Someone (ChimingIn@twocents.cam), May 19, 2000.

LL is nutz! nutz! nutz! nutz!

LL is nutz! nutz! nutz! nutz!

LL is nutz! nutz! nutz! nutz!

LL is nutz! nutz! nutz! nutz!

LL is nutz! nutz! nutz! nutz!

I told ya before, but ya'll didn't listen. She is nutz!

Spamming because no one wants to hear from her.

Faking posts to gather support.

Stealing others' handles to post messages.


Gathering info on others to harrass.

Apologizing to gain sympathy so as to gather more info to harrass.


Did I mention lying? And she lies. And lies and lies and lies.

Need I go on? Don't trust the bitch! She is one crazy psycho!

-- LL is nutz! nutz! nutz! nutz! nutz! nutz! (nutz@nutz.nutz.nutz.nutz), May 19, 2000.

I guess I'm a little drowzy or something, what was it you were trying to say?

It seems pretty vague to me also, but from what I can gather, I believe the message is trying to indicate that Laura is a very honorable, levelheaded, and trustworthy person and that we should do whatever she tells us.

-- (hmm@hmm.hmm), May 19, 2000.


Thanks, that's what I thought he meant, but was having difficulty expressing.


-- Someone (ChimingIn@twocents.cam), May 19, 2000.

Carlos, how interesting that you spell "ya'll" just like the troll does. Coincidence?

-- x (x@x.x), May 19, 2000.

"Ya'll" is a very common expression, as in "Ya'll come back now, hear?"

I think it's a west coast thing... ... ...


-- Sysman (y2kboard@yahoo.com), May 19, 2000.

Isn't it spelled y'all?

What do I know, I'm a california girl =)

-- cin (cin@cin.cin), May 19, 2000.

Imagine! People on this board worrying about spelling!


Maybe LL's 'english teacher' will come back and give youall a spelling bee?


-- LL is nutz! nutz! nutz! nutz! nutz! nutz! (nutz@nutz.nutz.nutz), May 20, 2000.

2 the top

-- 2 the top (2@the.top), May 22, 2000.

Weezzz all nutz maybe yes, maybe no?

-- NutZRus (NutzRus@yep.too), May 22, 2000.

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