Need help with marp chat on mirc : LUSENET : MAME Action Replay : One Thread

Can anyone guide me to the right channel for marp on Mirc?

I got a mail from Alex Weir who told me that there where a channel on Mirc wich a could join an talk with other marpplayers on Mirc but i don4t know how to get there..

I4ve installed Mirc and the info about myself i already done, but how do I find the right channel? any way to search on mirc for the marpchannel? Wich IRC server do i go to?

Please help me! I really wanna join in for a chat!



-- QRS (, May 18, 2000


On the connect screen pick a server under the 'efnet' section, probably best to find the one closest to you.

Then when you're online, join channel #marp - and if you're lucky someone will be there. If not the channel robot 'Sp4rkplug' will be there.


-- Dean Ryan (, May 18, 2000.

Thansk Crash I got i now!!



-- QRS (, May 19, 2000.

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