===2 GB limit on Panasonic Stand Alone & SVCD===

greenspun.com : LUSENET : Video CD : One Thread

I posted before that I had experienced failure with Panasonic Stand Alone with input file of 3.6 GB.

Today, I encoded with the Panasonic with input file slightly higher than 2 GB and it worked fine.

Is there really a input file size limit on Panasonic Stand Alone Encoder ? How big is actually the limit ?

SVCD (as well as XVCD) can not be playable on standard Stand Alone Video CD player. Is this a true statement ? Anyone with experience of getting SVCD (XVCD) playable on normal Stand Alone Video CD player ?

-- Mike (yankee_mickey@yahoo.com), May 18, 2000


If you have an mpeg file (any mpeg file) that is approaching 3 hours or 3Gigs, then window itself is hesitating to look at the file. Even normal window media player will have slight problem accessing them. Some editors will fail in processing them too. As for XVCD and SVCD, both of my Pioneer stand alone DVD players will play them without any problem. The only problem is the software players on the computer. Most software VCD players do not have the neccessary codecs to process the SVCD or XVCD format; Therefore, it will not play them. You either have to find a SVCD player for the SVCD or Jiao Mpeg player to play the XVCD on the computer.

-- lnguyen (wingstarzz@hotmail.com), May 18, 2000.

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