OT - Los Alamos, NM -

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This is the headline on the Albuquerque On-line Journal:


Blaze Largest Ever in N.M. The Cerro Grande Fire has become the largest forest fire in New Mexico history, consuming more than 46,200 acres through Tuesday and causing property damage estimated at close to $1 billion.


...and the wind is STILL blowing here... Those poor folks in and around Los Alamos... The fire is approaching Espanola, NM now. The firefighters claim to have it 45% contained, but the black sooty smear on the northern skyline doesn't look "contained" to me...

chasin' a fly...

The Dog

-- The Dog (dogdesert@hotmail.com), May 17, 2000



The wind is still blowing like Hell over here in Northern Arizona, maybe all the way from New Mexico. Our fire danger has now been elevated ABOVE CRITICAL to RED FLAG status.

I'm out in the country, but next to a road (bad because of people tossing cigarette butts from cars). I had the County fire prevention people out yesterday to give me some tips, and am busily clearing brush.

We had a fire start a few days ago that could have gotten out of control real fast, but fortunately there were a couple of Forest Service water-bombers out at the local airport and they helped put it out quickly. Unfortunately they aren't there now, and not stationed there. It's real scary.

I just bought another long hose and sprinkler (2 good ones, now). Also got 2 soaker hoses that I can use to wet a larger area in a hurry. I hope that if something gets started and I'm home, that I can quickly soak a perimeter, then put the two sprinklers up on the roof at each end. Then if I have to vamoose, I can leave them on.

These are some of the worst winds at this time of year that I can recall. And, they come every day, starting in late morning/early afternoon. Everything is real dry, and the rains don't start until sometime in July.

-- Flash (flash@flash.hq), May 17, 2000.

OT? There hasn't been a T here in months. And that's good.

-- (lars@indy.net), May 17, 2000.

Lars... we all have our crosses to bear...

Can you say Homestead? Kobe? How about wormwood? (Chernobyl), Oh yeah, Bohphal (sp!)... yeah that's it.

scratchin' an itch...

The Dog

-- The Dog (dogdesert@hotmail.com), May 17, 2000.

Hey, NO PROBLEM-O! They were after about 1,000 acres anyway (the 'controlled' burn plan)--the other 45,000 acres are NO EXTRA CHARGE! Your Federal Tax Dollars at work.

-- (Cyber@Squat.com), May 18, 2000.

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