China threatens war with Taiwan : LUSENET : TB2K spinoff uncensored : One Thread

China threatens war with Taiwan

-- - (, May 17, 2000


China Threatens War Over Taiwan

BEIJING (AP) -- An official Chinese newspaper threatened war today if Taiwan's president-elect refuses to recognize that the island is part of China.

Stepping up pressure ahead of this weekend's inauguration, Beijing wants Chen Shui-bian, who was elected March 18, to recognize the ''one China principle'' to allay its fears over his previous pro-independence stance.

China's government and entirely state-run media have for weeks demanded that Taiwan accept that it is part of China as a precondition for talks. But the China Business Times went further, threatening war if Chen fails during his inauguration Saturday to heed Beijing's demands.

''If Taiwan's new leader refuses in his inaugural speech to recognize the one China principle and even makes a speech that inclines toward Taiwan independence, then relations between the two sides will certainly take a turn. War in the Taiwan Strait will be difficult to avoid,'' the newspaper said in a front-page article alongside photos of a tank, a warplane and military exercises.

Chen, who distanced himself from his Democratic Progressive Party's pro-independence platform during the campaign, has said repeatedly since his election that he wants improved relations with Beijing. He said he is willing to discuss the idea of one China, but not as a precondition for talks.

In Taipei, Chen said: ''threats of war won't bring people closer together.''

In the past, China has threatened war if Taiwan declares independence or indefinitely rebuffs demands for talks on unification. The two sides split amid civil war 51 years ago, but China says they are parts of one country that must be reunited.

AP-NY-05-17-00 0810EDT< 

-- - (, May 17, 2000.

How many people have to tell you you're stupid before you take the hint?

Maybe you don't understand the word STUPID.

You are plain, old fashioned, unadulterated, STUPID.

-- (x is @ the peak of .stupidity), May 17, 2000.

May 20 is innauguration day

-- (123@456.789), May 17, 2000.

Thanks for the post, x.

-- (v@vvv.v), May 18, 2000.

Left Coasters:

"Got KI???" HL

-- hyperlurker (hyper@lurkable.speed), May 18, 2000.

the response about x being stupid has to be one of the dumbest comments I've ever read about an informative post!

-- wardueinSeptember (, May 18, 2000.

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