Rise Of The Master:Chapter 5

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Chapter 5:Forest of the Dryads

"Hurry up you two."Said Justice, tapping his sword impatiently on his armored shoulder. On the journey towards the north the trio happened upon a sparkling river that flowed from the forest. His two companions, Stone claw and beatdown insisted on sampling it's waters. It had grown hot again this day, the afternoon sun glinting strongly off the durahan's metallic body. So strongly in fact that a traveler might be blinded by the reflecting rays. At last the two monsters had their fill.

"It's good,"Beatdown said"The best water I've ever tasted. Wonder where it comes from...."

"The forest,"Claw said, impaling a fish with his talons and gulping it down whole."Any idiot could see that."

"Don't start arguing again,"Justice commanded"We must go on, we're far enough behind as it is."

It wasn't long before they came to the outskirts of the forest. The main road had branched off, a dirt path went northwest and continued into the forest. Justice went first, stepping into the shadowy woods. Suddenly he felt a great weight upon him. It forced the durahan to one knee. There was nothing visible pushing him, but something was there, exerting great force from above. Justice, using all his considerable strength fought against the invisible force. Standing erect once again the weight lifted.

"Whats wrong? Beatdown asked.

"I don't know,"Justice replied"Something clearly does not want us here....But I must keep going, if our enemies passed through here then so must we."

The forest was a strange place indeed. The air was thick and oppressive, the heat was stifling. It was dark except for a few golden rays of sunlight filtering down through the canopy. No sound was heard, not even a single solitary bird singing in the treetops. Yet the forest was teeming with life, they couldn't hear it, but rather they felt it. Countless times justice would stop and turned to a disturbance in the unnaturally still forest. The slight Russell of a plant, a shade darting from one tree to the other. At one point a twig snapped, justice turned and raised his sword to it's origin. A minute passed, then two, nothing revealed itself amongst the countless trees. Claw suggested it was nothing and they moved on.

Time passed and nearly three hours later the trio were still wandering. Justice himself was beginning to despise this place, unable to shake the feeling they were being followed. Every living tree seemed to watch them, well aware of the intruders in the forest. One had to wonder if they were mocks despite their sheer size. Every tree was huge, some truly ancient ones measuring several meters across and climbed hundreds of feet. Following the beaten path was difficult as thick plantlife had grown over some sections. What made this so unusual was that this only occurred in places where the road made a shape turn. Then, a shadow darted passed them through the foliage moving to quickly to tell just what it was.

"I knew it,"The durahan clutched his blade."Whoever you are! Show yourself!"His voice seemed to echo through the forest. No other sound could be heard.

"Why'd you stop? Whats wrong?"Claw asked"I didn't see anything."

"I saw something,"The fairy hare wispered"It ducked into those trees. Lets go over there and check it out."

"Your both crazy! Just a few animals, most forests have them."Said Stone claw before turning away, beatdown jumped in front of him.

"I've had enough of you!"She said putting up her fists."I can take you! Come on! Bring it!"

"Hahaha, you've got guts at least, or are you just really stupid?"Claw laughed"Don't you know I eat hares for breakfast, literally."

"Shut up, both of you!!"The voice of Justice rose above their argument.

At that moment the forest began to tremble, they watched as several of the surrounding trees revealed themselves as wood golems. The wicked looking creatures held their sadistic grins as they surrounded the trio. They closed in, tightening the circle, cutting off all escape. Justice searched for a way out. Fighting was his first instinct but that plan was quickly dashed as legion upon legion of golems appeared from the woods. However he noticed only one of them stood on the path.

"Attack that one!"Justice pointed his sword at the target golem. Beatdown nailed the wood golem with a highkick that knocked the bark off it's massive trunk. Stone claw tore into it with his talons, finally Justice ran forward and sliced the beast down the center. It split in two and, still smiling, fell dead. The three of them sprinted over his corpse and escaped. The other wooden golems pursued but moved about as slowly as moss grows on a log.

"Nice work old man!"Claw said from the rear of the group. Justice nodded but soon spotted their next problem. A dense fog was rising from the forest floor seemingly out of nowhere. Within a few moments it had completely engulfed them and nothing else could be seen with the exception of the gray fog.

"Stay together!"Justice said"Stay close or we'll get separated!"

"Damn, I can't see anything!"Claw asked as justice lost sight of him." I can't s-....."

"Claw? Claw!?"The durahan searched the fog but could see nothing. The trident didn't respond."Beatdown? Where are they?"

Suddenly a bright light pierced the fog and hit him square in the chest. The attack made him staggered but he did not fall to the mega ray. Before he could act a surge of flame reached out from the fog to reduce his steel body ashes. Justice raised his shield, realizing he was facing some breed of pixie. He pushed on, walking straight to the source of the fire as the crimson flames licked his armor. Ignoring the pain he kept the shield outstretched, protecting his head and torso. At last he'd escaped the fog and found himself face to face with a Dryad who was shocked by the power of the durahan. Before she could launch another attack he grabbed her wrists.

"Why are you attacking us?? Where are the others??"He screamed not noticing another dryad behind him. Justice was blasted from behind and knew no more...

Justice awoke later in an iron barred cell. Striped of his weapons he wondered what had happened, his entire body hurt. Stone claw and beatdown were also nearby, each in cells according to their respective sizes. The place they were in looked like a storeroom. It's gold colored walls held a great many crates and boxes. Ample sunlight came in through the open window. Then he noticed Claw acting rather strangely, the trident was curled up and shaking violently.

"Claw? You alright?"He asked, the trident didn't respond. He only continued to tremble, making pathetic whimpering noises. Justice could only sumise claw couldn't stand being caged again and was currently breaking down, he had to figure a way out of this. A moment later a Dryad guard came into to check on them.

"It's almost time,"She smiled"For your execution. Of course the followers of Moo deserve no less."

"Do I look evil to you!?"Beatdown yelled"Let us go! We haven't done anything wrong."

"Whatever,"The dryad paid her no heed"Trying to lie your way out won't work with us."

"Please...,"Claw whimpered like a small frightened child"I can't be like this, let me go...mercy....mercy..." The Dryad looked truly sorry for him at the moment and came alittle closer. She was about to speak when the Tridents claw shot out from behind the bars and wrapped his talons around her neck.

"I can't believe you fell for that!"Claw darkly, tightening his visegrip "How dare you cage me! Think you can attack me from behind and live?" The dryad struggled for her life.

"Let go claw!"Justice called out to him but claw only tightened his grip, a crazed look in the tridents eyes. The dryad stopped struggling and her body went limp but still claw held on. It looked as though he wouldn't stop until she was dead."Damn it claw! Let go!!"

He did and the dryad collapsed to the floor, unconscious but still alive and breathing. Claw then smashed his way free and tore the cell apart in his raged before doing the same for justice. Just as he'd torn the roof off beatdown's cage yet another dryad walked in, through the open door they could see several wood golems waiting outside.

"We have this place surrounded,"She said"There is no escape, agents of moo."

"For the last time..."Justice said"We are not agents of moo! Notice we don't bear his symbol. We were only looking for a way through the forest."

"That is for our leader to decide, explain yourselves to him."She said, before glancing at the fallen guard"But if it was up to me you'd be killed on the spot for harming one of us."Two more dryads swept in to aid the injured one.

"We will come quietly,"Justice said"I shall speak to your leader myself and convice him."

The trio followed the dryad outside and were surrounded by a dozen wood golem escorts. Here, just had his first look at the city. Built in a huge clearing in the heart of the forest, it's golden spires were like nothing he'd ever seen. The highest of these towers reached up toward the heavens, just shy of the tallest trees. The city was littered with trees and parks, a bubbling natural spring had been converted into a large ivory colored fountain. It's crystal waters were channeled throughout the city in a series of small streams. In the cities heart stood an immense structure that reminded justice of a thick tree trunk for some reason. Six woodknights protected this place and a statue of a mock stood in the in a small garden. They were led inside, the wood knights as there escorts. The hallway was overgrown with plants and flowers, the walls covered with a thick layer of vines. The sound of running water could be heard below. Futher down the hall they came to a large room, the floor cover with water, it had a narrow raised section to walk on. At the summit of several stair was a white mock. He was very old, his gnarled bark more gray then white now. However he still had the same sadistic grin of all mocks.

"I am white birch,"The mock said"I already know what your going to say. That you merely wanted a way through the forest, but explain to me why you killed one of my golems and attacked a dryad?"

"But we were attacked first!"Beatdown protested.

"Silence!"White birch thundered"You are agents of moo sent to spy on us."

"No, not only do we not serve moo,"Justice began"But we have encontered and battled his forces twice now. I know you only want to protect this place, it's worth protecting indeed. But let us prove ourselves at least."

"And what if your request was refused?"White birch chuckled under his breath."What will you do then?"

"Then I will fight my way out of here if I must!"Said Justice"For we have been delayed here far to long already. I would rather not raise my hand against those who oppose moo, but I must avenge my master. You may well kill me and my comrades in the end but I promise you white birch, your own losses will be great."

The mock thought for a moment before a panicked woodknight rushed in screaming."Moo's forces are outside the city, looks like there waiting for nightfall to attack."A few seconds later another dryad arrived, she looked alittle older then the ones they seen thus far, slightly taller and with longer hair.

"Ah Celine, perfect timing."White birch said"You say your not one of moo's warriors then prove it. Kill those who threaten this city, do so and I may believe you and only then will your weapons be returned. This dryad will accompany you, she is my strongest. Celine, don't hesitate to incinerate them if they get out of hand."

"Ha! I'd like to see you try."Claw said and celine shot him a cold stare. Exiting the building they followed her through the city. The activity level of the place was high, wood golems were in the process of building stone walls around the area. Watch towers had already been constructed with dryads working lookout. Woodknights were performing training maneuvers in the square.

"What does moo want here?"Justice asked their dryad escort.

"Since when does moo need an excuse to destroy anything?"Celine replied.

"You seem to be protecting something other then your lives."The durahan pointed east to a building that was being totally sealed up.

"That's none of your concern..."Celine said but then added"...When I'm sure I can trust you, you'll know more." They left the city and headed into the forest once again, following the woodknight who'd first brought news of moo. They went deeper in, the city quickly disappearing behind the trees. The sun was just beginning to set at this time. Ten minutes later a group of Gaboos jumped out of the surrounding bushes, each with the symbol of moo. Justice attack barefisted, but the moment his steel gauntlet connected with the gaboo it vanished. Then they all did so. A moment later the woodknight returned."Hey! Over here."

"They followed him to a small clearing and found the gaboo. They were dead, each one horribly mutilated. Some had been splattered all over the trees. The others were only an illusion, question was who killed them? Suddenly an explosion came from the direction of the city that rocked the forest. They took off toward the city, the faint sounds of battle raging on. Half way they found an injured dryad nearly dead on the ground.

"We are...under attack,"She said weakly.

"Who did this??"Celine asked."Moo?"

"No......."The dryad said with her dying breaths"Someone else....

-- Black Razor (Allanmontalvo@mindspring.com), May 15, 2000

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