Chupacabras Attack More Farms In Chile : LUSENET : TB2K spinoff uncensored : One Thread

Chupacabras Attack More Farms In Chile

From Joseph Trainor:



Last week saw another rash of Chupacabra attacks in Chile. Eyewitnesses also sighted two weird humanoid creatures, said to be Chupacabras, near the city of Concepcion,located 300 kilometers (180 miles) south of Santiago de Chile, the national capital. The new round of Chupacabra incidents began Wednesday, April 12, 2000 in the small town of Tucapel, in Bio Bio province just east of Concepcion. Witnesses reported that "a large bunch of dried brambles were crushed by a strange luminous phenomenon." On Saturday, April 29, 2000, Jose Ismael Pino, 59, a farm worker employed at the Esperance Ranch two kilometers (one mile) east of Huepil, near Tucapel, had a face-to-face meeting with the Chupacabra. Leaving the barn at 8 p.m., Pino explained, "There was a large bull running wild. I was walking along when I saw something, and I thought that was it. 'Hey, damned bull!' I shouted, and then I saw that it wasn't. It hardly moved. It just stood there, looking at me. It stood about 1.5 meters (four feet) tall, like a big monkey, with long clawed arms, enormous fangs protruding from its mouth, as well as a pair of wings. I was so scared I turned and ran back for the hounds. I set them all loose and let them chase after 'The Bird.' Cachorro (one of the dogs--J.T.) came back with a bloodstained neck." "Pino's boss, Jorge Venegas, owner of the 75-acre farm, carries a loaded shotgun on his shoulder." "Venegas, on his part, lets his employees leave early, since they are fearful of walking around at night, and he himself since the night of the luminous phenomena in Tucapel, has slept with his shotgun beside him." "'We don't know what we're dealing with here. I'm not so concerned about the attacks on the animals, but I have two children, 12 years old and 15 years old, and I'm not going to let anything happen to them. In fact, right now I'm going to get a floodlight to see at night, in case something weird shows up,' explained the planter, hefting the shotgun to his right shoulder."

Farms in the Huepil-Tucapel area "were affected by the alleged predator, which killed four sheep on one farm and a cow on another."

However, not everybody believes that the the Chupacabra is the culprit. The manager of the Raul Perez farm told the newspaper Cronica, "Years ago, we had a (wild) dog problem. They managed to kill 70 sheep one single night, but we gave it no further importance at the time." On Tuesday night, May 2, 2000, Carabineros (Chile's national police--J.T.) from the cuartel (barracks) in Santa Fe reported that "eight sheep, all of them pregnant, had been attacked by an unknown animal, which had left them half-dead, making it necessary to put them down." The attacks were "blamed on wild dogs. Subofficer Alviro Valdebenito of the Santa Fe barracks further added that a characteristic of these dogs is that they are barkless."

Lt. Walter Koch of the Huepil Carabineros stated, "No, there were no reports about it (Chupacabra--J.T.) whatever. We don't even have pumas in this sector, and only in the pre-Cordillera ranges will you find foxes. The only predator of the type we've had are Siberian dogs which have feasted on some chickens."

"Carlos Villalobos, a schoolteacher in Huepil, said, 'I think it's linked to some unknown life-form, possibly alien in origin, but the authorities take the position of not acknowledging it, and they are probably very justified, since a collective panic situation could be unleashed.'" The Chupacabra attacks continued without letup. On Wednesday, May 3, 2000, "at 1:30 a.m., professor Liliana Romero Castillo slept soundly in her apartment located at Laguna Redonda in Concepcion, when she was awakened by the barking of the five stray puppies she had picked up some time earlier." The Puppies were living "in the building courtyard with Black, her large, fierce mastiff."

"'I crouched and looked through the window. The puppies were whining, and Black had cowered against the wall and was motionless. I could see the back of what appeared to be an immense man, standing more than two meters (6 feet, 8 inches) tall. The shoulder blades were split, as if he had wings. Its attitude (posture--J.T.) recalled that of a person choking another. That was my impression,' said Sra. Romero."

"Concerned that a crime was taking place in her garden, she woke her husband, who gave the matter little attention. 'I'm not getting up,' he said, half-asleep." Sra. Romero returned to the window to get another look at the creature, but by then it was gone.

"The following day (Thursday, May 4, 2000) Liliana sent her children out to buy groceries at the local store. using a shortcut located behind their building. Upon their return, they told their mother that they had seen 'a dead dog'" in the alleyway. Liliana asked her husband to check, and he returned saying that a wooly, beige-colored dog was lying on the ground with two puncture marks in the throat." 'I don't know if I might be in a suggestive state,' he said, 'But it had two deep holes in its jugular (vein), about the size of a Bic pen, separated by five centimeters between them. What impressed me the most was the way the body was completely bloodless and was as light as a feather. The dog was incredibly wooly (furry--J.T.) and in fact I had to move the fur to see the puncture marks.'" Summoned by Liliana, a team of Carabineros arrived at the crime scene and took custody of the dog's body. They loaded the dog into a black plastic garbage bag and "ordered the family to remain silent, so as not to panic the local residents." "'But I'm scared,' Liliana said, 'Since I have very young children, and I'm afraid that whatever was there will come back.'" The Carabineros took the dead dog to the First Comissariat in Concepcion so it could be autopsied by pathologists.

The same day, May 4, 2000, "35 dead birds were found on a ranch 12 kilometers (7 miles) from Pucon on the road leading to the village of Caburuga. The animal attacks, attributed to the mythical Chupacabras, presented the same characteristics as the earlier attacks.

(See UFO Roundup, volume 5, number 17 for details) since the dead chickens had cuts and scratches on different parts of their bodies.." Capt. Roberto Saldivia, deputy chief of the Pucon Carabineros, "confirmed that the animals were found dead in a pen, without a single drop of blood in them."

"Cesar Hidalgo, regional director of Servicio Agricola y Ganado (Chile's Agricultural and Livestock Service--J.T.). explained that SAG professionals were at the scene" in Caburuga and would investigate further.

(See the Chilean newspapers Cronica of Concepcion for May 2, 2000; El Sur for May 5, 2000, "Mysterious Nocturnal Apparition in Building Courtyard--Dead Dog Found Later" by Carlso Saso Prieto; and Orbe for May 5, 2000, "Further Chupacabras Attacks." Muchas gracias a Scott Corrales, auto de los libros Chupacabras and Other Mysteries y Forbidden Mexico, Gloria Coluchi y Ricardo Concha para esas historias.)

-- Flash (flash@flash.hq), May 15, 2000


Learn all about them

Chupaca bras

-- (chupacabra@chia.pets), May 15, 2000.


Bad link-please try again!

-- A (, May 15, 2000.

Try again

chupacabra_stuf f

-- (chupacabras@chia.pets), May 15, 2000.

Do Scully & Mulder know about this?

-- (, May 15, 2000.

I didn't think any of the United States members of Congress were touring in South America.

To be serious for a moment, does anyone think this is all fantasy? Surely these people making the reports don't get anything out of it. If there is some motive in reporting strange creatures, killing animals, roaming the country side, what is it?

Could there be a grain of truth to all this? I don't know.

-- Richard (, May 15, 2000.

"It stood about 1.5 meters (four feet) tall, like a big monkey, with long clawed arms, enormous fangs protruding from its mouth, as well as a pair of wings."

Y2K Pro!

-- gettin hungry (got fired from @ burger.king), May 15, 2000.

Those are the same things that trashed the Scarecrow in The Wizard of Oz!

-- (help@me.dorothy), May 15, 2000.

Drop the chupacabras

-- (, May 15, 2000.

Well, so much for a sensible discussion.

-- Richard (, May 15, 2000.


Thanks for trying. It has been rather difficult around here lately. I don't really know what to think about this stuff, except that the reports have been coming in for several years now from various places in Central and South America, as well as Mexico and even Puerto Rico. It's interesting to note that most of them are coming from Spanish-speaking countries.

-- Flash (flash@flash.hq), May 15, 2000.


Good point, well taken.

All of these various reports are located in Hispanic Speaking countries. No inference intended here, just that it's coming from a particular area. I've read of some sightings in Puerto Rico.

While memory fails me, I do believe there was a report out of Texas some time back as well.

While I have no conviction here, one way or the other, there's a lot of room for conjecture.

-- Richard (, May 15, 2000.

I'm glad to see that Art Bell has come to the forum.... The night shift got a little longer since he left the airways....

-- Rob (, May 15, 2000.

Just wait until one of these creatures kidnaps a Cuban, then Janet can send the troops in and take care of the problem...

-- justa (pondering, May 16, 2000.

It's only a matter of time.

-- Art Bell (ab@chicken.ranch.con), May 17, 2000.

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