Gets you just there : LUSENET : Unofficial Newcastle United Football Club BBS : One Thread

I live on one of those pedestrian streets with the roads diverted around to the parking at the back of the houses. We therefore have 2 terraced rows facing each other accross our front gardens with a walkway between the gardens. The 40 feet between the houses will be ideal for stringing black and white bunting across when we win the league next season.

Anyway, I digress. The usual, North East sense of community still prevails (if you live in the South East, ask an old person through their letter box as they cower behind their blast-proof front door) and when I stepped out this morning to enjoy the sunshine and smell the anticipation on the Tyneside air, I got to call 'Hello' to several neighbours doing the same thing. Anyway, the real pleasure was that of the dozen people in view, NINE were resplendent in black and white shirts.

This is a marvelous sight, as I know that only myself and one other chap on the road are lucky enough to be going to the match today. The rest of them are all simply celebrating their sense of connection with United by sporting their shirts on the final day of the season, probably all thinking of a snowy-haired guardian of our hopes and dreams. They'll tell you that the final day is meaningless for teams in the middle of the table, but not up here it isn't.

This simple demonstration of solidarity has reminded me that I'm representing a whole street when I take my place at SJP today; I shall sing and cheer lustily enough for all of us. This display is doubtlessly being repeated across the region, and I sincerely hope we are all inspired to a particularly fine performance from the stands today. What a lucky b*stard I am!

-- Anonymous, May 14, 2000


Marvellous stuff Softie. From my lofty heights, where eagles dare, here at Kenton Bar I gaze out and see the Cheviots, the airport (possible sighting of Rivaldo this morning but the binnocs are a bit dodgy and wishful thinking is a weakness of mine), Gosforth racecourse, a snowbound Kingston Park, the sea, Blyth's windmills, Cambois power station, and, to come to the point, a game of footie amongst the kids on the grass below me. It's obviously a skins vs shirts game and the 4 shirts are all United. I think one or two of the skins have removed black & white shirts as well.

Elsewhere, I can see 6 people pottering about in gardens or tinkering with cars. One of then has a black & white shirt also.

The others appear to be supporting "The Skins". (-;

As we prepare for that dreadful period Dougal refers to as "the dry season", let us hope that the cricket doesn't go on for too long and that we will soon be shouting again as YBR begins to storm the upper reaches of the Premiership.

-- Anonymous, May 14, 2000


It brings a tear to a glass eye!

-- Anonymous, May 14, 2000

Great stuff, Softie and Jonno! Too bad YBR doesn't read this, it would be good to show the lads in the dressing room. :-)

-- Anonymous, May 14, 2000


While you're representing your street in SJP this PM, your neighbours' 15 year old son will more than likely be round your gaff after the video and telly.

Joking aside, I got the same sense of community spirit when my next-door neighbour proposed me for membership of the local social club. Now, where did I leave that Brylcreme?

-- Anonymous, May 14, 2000

Which social club Gibbo?

-- Anonymous, May 14, 2000

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