Quotably Quoted #7greenspun.com : LUSENET : TB2K spinoff uncensored : One Thread |
As he crouched in the darkness, a slight breeze sent chills up his back. He had been successful, for the moment. Long and loud did the painful echos ring in his head. The screams of the final agony of his children's last breath. 'At least I'm alive...' he thought for but a moment. Gone were the days of the gloriously lit markets, filled to overflowing with food and consumables. He knew the hunters were close...Those who would hold him responsible...He attempted to rationalize his mistaken beliefs...'But they said nothing would happen!!!' he insanely muttered to himself, as he dragged himself over the ground. The sounds of the far off hounds increased. The dogs would not be denied. They had his spoor. Y2K Pro took one last look around, and quietly, quickly, scurried off into the darkness...
Billy Boy (Rakkasan@Yahoo.com), November 05, 1999.
This was posted in another thread, but is deserving of it's own, in my never humble opinion. It is typical of several posts that declared the doomer's contemptuous hatred of anyone who dared disagree with them. These posts went uneditted and unchallenged. Those who were historically-proven correct were first subjected to bias in the enforcement of forum policies (more in a following thread), and later denied the ability to express themselves.
See the Hysterium.
But, they were after all, doomers.
Have they changed? No.
Vindicated Regards,
Andy Ray
-- Andy Ray (andyman633@hotmail.com), May 13, 2000
I think it's pretty funny. I remember when someone on the old forum posted it and changed Y2k Pro to Koskinen.
-- (get@sense.of.humor), May 13, 2000.
Guess who gets the last laugh? The stooges of doom or those who new that Y2K was going to be the biggest non-event of the decade.
-- Y2K Pro (y2kpro1@hotmail.com), May 13, 2000.
Almost as big a yawn as this thread eh PRO?
-- Carlos (riffraff@cybertime.net), May 14, 2000.