Operation Lockdown

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Can someone tell me what exactly "Operation Lockdown" is? Heard that it is to be implemented next month? What for? What are they expecting to happen or is this just a smoke screen?

-- puzzled (thinker2000@lycos.com), May 13, 2000



I'll bet you know something more about this than just your innocent little question suggests. Why don't you tell us what YOU think it is and if it is a smokescreen.

-- Jim Cooke (JJCooke@yahoo.com), May 13, 2000.

Jim: If I knew what it is and what it stands for I would not have posed the question. - Your response seems to indicate that YOU may be the one who may be able to tell me/us what this is all about. My question to you "is this something to be concerned about whatever it is"?

-- puzzled (thinker2000@lycos.com), May 13, 2000.


Are you in prison?

BTW, dont worry word up is you cant smoke in there no more.

What did you do?

----hope you like bread and water.

-- consumer (shh@aol.com), May 13, 2000.


Can't smoke? Well that does it,I'm not gonna go to the BIG HOUSE I'm stayin' right here in my little house where I can smoke like hell!!! You know this kinda talk scares *me* and I guess sinse you said no smokin' that means no drinkin' either? You don't have to be so hateful ; )

And this OPERATION thing has me concerned as well;are there any side effects? Nobody told me about havin' to have ANY kind of surgery! Didn't they have some kind of a convention(or was that the Shriners?) that said that stuff was inleagal?But,on the other hand I could use a pedicure,does that count?

-- capnfun (capnfun1@excite.com), May 13, 2000.


Whatcha doin up so darn early...tee hee.

-- consumer (shh@aol.com), May 13, 2000.


I've never heard of Operation Lockdown. You obviously have since you asked about it. You must have done something other then simply read the name, I assume. So tell us what you read about it. But, let me guess - this is some Clinton thing that's going to either declare martial law or lock up all the Christians in concentration camps - right?

I get really sick of you right wing trolls.

-- Jim Cooke (JJCooke@yahoo.com), May 13, 2000.

My neighbor does an Operation Lockdown when her tabby cat goes into heat. I don't know why she just doesn't take it to the vet for spaying.

-- (kb8um8@yahoo.com), May 13, 2000.


But, let me guess - this is some Clinton thing that's going to either declare martial law or lock up all the Christians in concentration camps - right?

And you said that you didn't know anything about it. Fess up, you have been reading EZboard again :o)

Looks that way.

Best wishes,,,,,

-- Z1X4Y7 (Z1X4Y7@aol.com), May 13, 2000.


Gee, I noticed our little troll "Puzzled" hasn't been back to get more information on the burning question of "Operation Lockdown". I guess it'll just have to remain a mystery unless......wait, you're right, all paranoid conspiracy theories can be explained over at EZBoard. I'll bet that's where Puzzled is right now. I'm so relieved :^)

-- Jim Cooke (JJCooke@yahoo.com), May 15, 2000.

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