Leica M handgrip

greenspun.com : LUSENET : Leica Photography : One Thread

Can anyone point me to a site where I can see an illustration of the Leica M grip. Thanks, Sergio.

-- Sergio Ortega (s.ortega@worldnet.att.net), May 12, 2000


Is this what you're looking for? http://cgi.ebay.com/aw-cgi/eBayISAPI.dll?ViewItem&item=328578412

-- Michael Darnton (mdarnton@hotmail.com), May 12, 2000.

The ebay link above points to a grip made for the Leica M body, but not the "Leica" grip made for the M body. I do not know of the quality of the other brand. I have the Leica made grip and it is really nice, especially for the 75/1.4 and the 50/1 lenses.

-- Tony Rowlett (rowlett@mail.com), May 12, 2000.

The actual "Leica" model is pictured at http://www.leic a-camera.com/m_system/macc_e.htm (scroll a little bit).

-- Tony Rowlett (rowlett@mail.com), May 12, 2000.

Thanks to all who responded for their help and information. Sergio.

-- Sergio Ortega (s.ortega@worldnet.att.net), May 14, 2000.

Cosina/voigtlander is coming out with a handgrip for it's bessa r. Don't know if it will fit the m6 though.

-- Josh Root (rootj@att.net), May 16, 2000.

I've used both the "MGRIP" (non-Leica) and the Leica grip. The MGRIP is well-made of aluminum. The Leica grip is plastic - but don't let that put you off - it seems to be a high-quality, durable type. I prefer the Leica grip: it's lighter, has a better feel, a better look, and is easier to mount & remove on the camera.

-- Ken Shipman (kennyshipman@aol.com), June 10, 2000.

After testing the 3 handgrips available for Leica M (Leica, M-Grip and Rapidgrip), in my opinion the Rapidgrip from Tom Abrahamson is the best. Because it's twice as thick and also taller than the 2 others.


-- lucien (lucien@ubi.edu), October 11, 2000.

I just got a Rapidgrip, and I have to say I'm still ambivalent about it. I agree it's bigger and taller, but I don't like the feel of the bare metal, and for use without the Rapidwinder I think it's just a bit too big for me. I'm still happiest with the Leica grips.

A Rapidgrip on a Rapidwinder on an M6 with a 90 Summicron makes me feel like I'm using an F5, only the shutter button is in the wrong place...

-- Paul Chefurka (paul_chefurka@pmc-sierra.com), November 22, 2000.

Question. Are you folks referring to the prototype or the new Rapidgrip with the finger slot? I customized mine, filming away a LOT of aluminum to improve ergonomics and covered it with leather. Then I repainted parts with a brush and flat paint, which I then covered with epoxy to make it tough and crinkly. Now it is absolutely fantastic. The Rapidgrip is just made for customizing. I like the protype (without slot) better. But slotted one is just begging--Take a file to me! Study handgrips a little before you go to work and remember: The Rapidgrip is hollow; don't file too close. Also wear a mask. Aluminum filings ain't good for your lungs.

-- Alex Shishin (shishin@pp.iij4u.or.jp), July 21, 2001.

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