Songs from "Such Sweet Sorrow" : LUSENET : ER Discussions : One Thread

Okay, the two songs in the show were Bush - Letting the Cable Sleep, and Don Henley - Take Me Home?

-- Jess (, May 12, 2000


Response to Songs

Thanks, Jess. I was just asking that in the other post.

-- abigail (, May 12, 2000.

Response to Songs

I'm sure about the Bush song, but not the other.

-- Jess (, May 12, 2000.

Response to Songs

Jess, I wasn't sure about the first song, thanks.

I'm relatively certain about the last. It was Don Henley for sure, and the song was "Take Me Home".

-- S. Trelles (, May 12, 2000.

Response to Songs

Hmm, I can't seem to find that song any where =-|

-- Jess (, May 12, 2000.

Response to Songs

These songs just always get to you don't they? THey really add to the scene (Simon and Garfunkel and tonight's two songs) The ending scene with the kiss and that song almost seemed like a movie. I am so happy!

-- Elaine (, May 12, 2000.

Response to Songs

I was thinking that the instrumental song in the back ground where Carol realizes she needs to be with Doug and saying goodbye to Luka, sounded like the song (maybe a slower version) from the movie "Legends Of The Fall". I could be wrong though, but it sure fit the mood :)

-- Joy (, May 12, 2000.

Response to Songs

Jess, Henley's new CD comes out May 23rd.

-- Diana (, May 12, 2000.

Response to Songs

The song at the end is by Don Henley and its called "Taking You Home"

-- Cara Klein (, May 12, 2000.

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