Get back in here! : LUSENET : DaVinci's Exile Test : One Thread |
ok everyone...check out the great remodeling job Ed has done. Let's break the place in with a party! Darn it, I know I'm not around much, but we have to get the old gang back! Let's do this people! or handcuffs for everyone and i'll drag you guys in here!
-- Ken Gowash a.k.a. WASHNGO (, May 11, 2000
Promises Promises *grin*
-- Shel (, May 12, 2000.
Hey Ken, Hello...if u eneded up reading my message which was about checking how many ppl end up reading the message, well i'd like u to reply to that message & tell me there, so i get a long list of all those who read. Ok Thanx Have a great day, week, month & year :)
-- Jas B (, May 14, 2000.
As usual I was too late for the party but hey you know handcuffs might be fun!
-- Laighe of the Limberlost (, May 14, 2000.