Checking!!!!!!!!!! : LUSENET : DaVinci's Exile Test : One Thread |
Well have you ever wondered how many people actually end up checking the message board? And when? Well this is a check, so if you end up reading this message, don't forget to add a response to this, so you let me know, & if possible, tell me the date. And thankyou very much, the subject didn't give much away did it. So you have to read this to know this is about nothing at all actually, LOL...........Your truly is ---> Jas (goal__)
-- Jas B (, May 11, 2000
Cardiiiiiiiiii!!!!!!!!!!!!! Where is my old friend? :-)Uh, I was here too. 9:42am ET, Sat. 13th of May. (Actually I check this every day, cause I get the messages sent to me via email. Heh.)
-- editrix (, May 13, 2000.
Bug!!!!!! How the heck are ya? And is that online magazine still going? I did indeed enjoy reading it -- let us know, eh?
-- editrix (, May 21, 2000.
Uh, okay. I was here. Friday, 6:10 a.m. AZ time.
-- Cardialgia (, May 12, 2000.
At 22:41 on the night of Sunday 14th of May in the year 2000, I declare that I, gobbles, was here. Yep right here, this very spot :) I always read the board....whenever I to hear about everyone.... hugsssssssssssssssssss
-- gobbles (, May 14, 2000.
Sunday May 13th 4:01 p.m. CST I "wuz" here! Be back later I'm off to the movies with Mr. Laighe for part two of Mother's Day. Sorry i missed the party at Exile. Waaa... Cardi and goal- Hey! long time no talk. See you soon!
-- Laighe of the Limberlost (, May 14, 2000.
Hey Jas!I check it all the time from my Hotmail address. I may take me a month sometimes but I get to it eventually. Its a great way to keep up to date with everyone.
Hope you're well.
Stace (Venus)
-- Stace (aka Venus) (, May 14, 2000.
Um I was really here May 14th not May 13th. LOL
-- Laighe of the Limberlost (, May 14, 2000.
I'm always here checking this board! and every time I come in no one is here, it's sad I tell ya! So I am forced to go play stupid with the notebook people..hehe btw todays date would be May 16, 200 and it's 7:33 P.M. : )
-- Megiano (, May 16, 2000.
alright jas, here is a response for you..."I'm a bigger lesbian than you!!!" now respond and dont forget i am timing you.
-- digitlyspun (, May 18, 2000.
damn its almost been a day and no jas reply...get your tush over here and check this message thread you ya lesbo!
-- digitlyspun (, May 19, 2000.
hahahahahahahahahahahahahahaha & i still can't stop laughing dig hahahahahahahhahahahahahahahhahaha lol Well i have exams & so i 4got 2 check yesterday but i can't wait 2 c ya. I just located u & ur not here. Kiss kiss kiss, where u want it the most my big lesbo friend :) I'm gonna go check out ur webpage now, army of us. Take care, & don't time me again...i'm hyper lazy :). Time in Kuwait now is 3.40 pm & the date is 19th May. LOV _______JAS! (goal__)
-- Jas B (, May 19, 2000.
I wasn't sure how many people would actually respond to this, but the turn out has been good so far & its nice to know who checks the board, so we know if we want to leave a message to someone we actually will be ABLE to reach them through here :) Yours truly is-------------->JAS! (goal__)
-- Jas B (, May 19, 2000.
Um, if anyone remembers me. I still check at least once every two weeks. And so it's noted that I was here on the 19th. Ciao
-- bugg_girl (, May 19, 2000.
Of course we do, bug! Are you still doing that online magazine? If so plase post the url. I miss reading the stories.
-- Laighe of the Limberlost (, May 20, 2000.
Please even...
-- Laighe of the Limberlost (, May 21, 2000.
jas...your exams are over now so no more better reply to this one real quick or i am gonna pay you a visit to kick your "hyper- lazy" ass. hahahaha. jk...but maybe i will kiss favorite lesbo buddy. jai aka dig
-- digitlyspun (, May 22, 2000.
You're gonna pay me a visit? Well then i should NOT respond to that :), lov ya dig, JAS!
-- Jas B (, May 23, 2000.
Hey all ! I must admit, this is the first time I've checked this board in .... well... a long time. Buggs, Goal, Cardi, Edi, Spun, gobbbbbllllleeeeessss *g* --- at least a few of us are still kickin 'round here. Is anyone ever actually IN this place anymore? Would be nice to have a semi-intelligent convo from time to time. sigh.. but I'm usually here so late I miss everyone :-( *hugs* for all of ya ... Marni aka Beo
-- Beo (, May 25, 2000.
Beo, how late is late? It seems that I'm usually too late to find anyone either...
-- Laighe of the Limberlost (, May 26, 2000.
Hey everyone. Remember me? I didn't know exile still had inhabitants. But glad there are!!! HI everyone. *waves frantically* i'm still in DaVinci's NOtebook all the time. Have fun. take care, and see yas. if anyone miss's my new website: tah. hatched
-- hatched (, May 28, 2000.
Hi hatched! Can't wait to see your webpage. Gonna go take a look right now!
-- Laighe of the Limberlost (, May 28, 2000.
I'm still here checking occasionally. Can't access vp from this computer so can't come and chat :o( Am now back in South Africa after excessive sun on the beach. Home soon (yuk).leu
-- leucite (, June 03, 2000.
hey hatched...i checked out your website. loved it! good job. just thought i'd share that useful tidbit of opinion with ya. toodles.
-- jai (, June 07, 2000.