Snooze bar, love it or hate it? : LUSENET : Jan : One Thread

I think the snooze bar is the tool of the devil!

-- Anonymous, May 11, 2000


I actually don't use an alarm to wake up. I used to, in college, but my sleep routine is so, well, routine these days, that I don't really need one anymore.

Keith usually wakes up on his own about an hour before I do, and goes about his morning routine. Sometime during that hour, I wake up on my own as well, although I usually just laze about in bed until he comes in to kiss me goodbye. (Sometimes I have to get up to go drive him to the bus or whatever, but it's no big whoop.)

I really like waking up without an alarm. Waking up to the sound of something going "BLEEP BLEEP BLEEP" in your ear is not the best way to start the morning, in my opinion.

-- Anonymous, May 11, 2000

who needs an alarm that goes "bleep bleep bleep" when you have two living breathing alarms that go, "MOMMMMMM... can you make us breakfast NOOOOWWWWWW?" heh.

-- Anonymous, May 14, 2000

I just use a clock radio. I wake up to the morning guys, listen to the news, play the trivia games, and get up about 45 minutes after my alarm goes off. I don't like the snooze bar. I deliberatley set my alarm early, because I like to wake up slowly.

My ex-roommate used to have an alarm from hell, and the theing just went on and on-- nine times out of ten she wouldn't hear it, so I had to go in and wake her up. It was next to her head, and she wouldn't hear it. Drove me nuts.

-- Anonymous, May 15, 2000

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