What kind of CPU is needed to encode realtime (1:1) with Panasonic Encoder?greenspun.com : LUSENET : Video CD : One Thread |
I want to use Panasonic Encoder but I want to know what kind of CPU and speed will let me acheive realtime encoding?Thanx
-- MrVCD (mrvcd@juno.com), May 11, 2000
my friend have a PIII 500Mhz, my other friend have K7 550Mhz, and I used to have K7 600Mhz....We all get 1:4 ratio ( 1 hour to 4 hours encoding). I just recently upgrade my K7 to 700Mhz and i still get 1:4 ratio. I think panasonic is pretty much saturated at 500Mhz with 1:4 ratio....you never know if the 1GHz going to make a different though :)
-- lnguyen (wingstarzz@hotmail.com), May 11, 2000.