Help me find a webhost! : LUSENET : Xeney : One Thread

As I mentioned, I need a new webhost. I've had several offers from nice people with servers, and I still need to get back to those nice people, but I'd like to know all my options. And some of those nice people might rescind their nice offers when they hear what I need.

Here's the deal: is pretty big. I'm already approaching the 50 mg limit on my current webhost. Daily data transfers range between 50-100 mgs, depending on all sorts of things, and I'm not hosting my own forum yet -- I expect that to increase quite a bit once the forum is hosted on site.

In other words, we don't get as much traffic here as your average porn site, but it's enough to put me into high traffic fees with some hosting services. I'd like to avoid that.

I need a CGI bin, plenty of space, and fast access. I don't care so much about tech support as long as the server is pretty stable. People here will gripe a lot if the server is very slow.

If you have a webhost that you love, tell me about it!

-- Anonymous, May 10, 2000


I can't say enough about I-dentity. They are absolutely wonderful. We have about 350 megs of space for $20 a month. Unlimited traffic. They have raised their prices since we signed up, so you can bet yer butt we're not quitting anytime soon. I can only think of one time in the past year that they have been down. It's only been for about 2 hours, though. Great service. The price has been upped to $30 a month, but you get a lot of freebies.... Check them out.

-- Anonymous, May 10, 2000

Yeah, that's all well and good, but did he get a BJ?

-- Anonymous, May 10, 2000

i use this company; they have diff plans to fit your needs. i have had nothing but a great time using them.

-- Anonymous, May 10, 2000

I gotta second Jason on the motion for disclosure.

-- Anonymous, May 11, 2000

I host my domain on Valueweb ( and have for about 3 years now. I believe it's still $19.95/month (that's what I'm paying). They've been really stable, fast, and have decent tech support.

Good luck, Beth!

-- Anonymous, May 11, 2000

I use Stormer Hosting and it is fantastic. James, the guy that runs things, is prompt every time I have a question, service issues, etc.... only $13.95/mo with extra space available. You might be able to work out a deal or something with him for more web space. He's fantastic.... And I've never met him.

-- Anonymous, May 11, 2000

Don't use They have a huge advert campaign going right now, but they suck, suck, suck, did I say they suck?

Their servers are apparently located up someone's ass, and their support team is made up of luddites. Luddites!

They have losts rafts of my email, my site is down even as I type this, and they always refuse to give credit, but instead add on a free month of service. Um..if I hate your service now, I won't be staying past the contract.

Did I mention that they suck?

How hard is it to set up a home server?

-- Anonymous, May 11, 2000

Check out or (They're apparently the same company, but with slightly different prices, but all the same features. is a bit cheaper). I've been with OLM for over a year now and have been totally happy. OLM/Webaxxs offer all that you want, plus 300-400 megs of space for $16-$19/mo. (Referrer and access logs are like $2 each more/mo.) Down time hasn't been noticeable, if there's been any, and tech support has a 24 hr turn around time.

Web hosting was actually brought up on Pamie's forum a little while back, so you might want to check there for other recommendations.

-- Anonymous, May 11, 2000

Beth, a friend of mine swears by Northwest Web Services (http:// I'm planning to switch over myself as soon as I get DSL (which was supposed to happen last week but the customer service person LIED to me). At any rate, if you're interested in checking it out beyond what's on the website, email me and I'll get you in touch with my friend.

-- Anonymous, May 12, 2000

I use Concentric. It's $25/mo, but they have a really nice virtual host setup, you get telnet and ftp access, a web interface that allows you to do everything by click if you want to, you can run CGI scripts with no special intervention, etc.

-- Anonymous, May 12, 2000

I have to agree on the icom thing. They offer hosting for $8.25 a month and have been advertising this as a limited time offer for several years. They were my first host and they SUCKED. They didn't set up my email account, only my hosting, and after repeated attempts to get this rectified by emailing support, I finally called their number and they told me they only do telephone SALES, not phone SUPPORT. After a few months of this crap I told them I wanted my account cancelled and ALL of my money refunded since they never provided the service I bought. They fixed the problem that night.

Fuckers., my current host, sucks too. I bought a G4 I am going to use as a server running Frontier so I can do a lot more database work on my site. Right now I am trying to find a good SDSL provider that will be up 24/7 and allow multiple IP addresses. Can anyone suggest a gujun (good one)?

-- Anonymous, May 13, 2000

Northwest Web Services hosts two of my sites. I'm happy there, though they occassionally suffer along with the rest of the net when connectivity gets wierd.

I moved to NWServ after Verio (twist head to spit) swallowed up Best Internet and began slowly degrading services. NWServ was founded by a fellow from the (overall excellent) Best technical staff, and I have no concern that he'll ever sell out to Verio.

-- Anonymous, May 14, 2000

Whatever you do, don't use HostPro. Wing Chun has some pretty scathing things to say about them.

-- Anonymous, May 16, 2000

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