web site critics wanted

greenspun.com : LUSENET : Dirck Halstead : One Thread

I am in the process of updating my web site and would like some input. The site is still under construction but you can get the feeling of what's going on. Thanks the address is http://pwgphoto.home.att.net

-- Paul W Gillespie (pwgphoto@worldnet.att.net), May 09, 2000


i did'nt spend a lot of time browsing , but a couple of things popped up, i would (personally) rather smaller images than horizontally scrolling, i REALLY like to have back buttons on every new page,as well as top/bottom of page buttons. It looks like it is a really interesting site and when i have more time i will go back and explore it further.

-- randy burnett (caqncam101@hotmail.com), July 11, 2000.

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