Help me get my feet wet : LUSENET : Video CD : One Thread

I would like to make a VCD using JPG's like a simple slide show. What software is available for this purpose. I have a CD burner and lots of pics but I'm just getting into the VCD area. Any opinions will be helpful. Thanks, Greg

-- Greg Wood (, May 09, 2000



You are just in time for Nero 5.0. This software is made just for you in mind :) Go to and read all about it there specially the SVCD option.

-- (, May 09, 2000.

But - I have found a limit of 44 jpeg files. Nero crashes with more files. My test VCD with slides only plays perfectly on DVD players.

-- Garth (, May 09, 2000.

You are probably better off with WinOnCD3.7PowerEdition. It needs a patch, though, for true blue VCD ver 2.0 authoring right off CeQuadrat website.

-- EMartinez (, May 10, 2000.

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