ECONOMIC SPECULATION is "rampant" and the banks are highly leveraged now than anytime in : LUSENET : TB2K spinoff uncensored : One Thread |
Apparently Ken Decker has not taken his blinders off in recent years. Talk about leverage, the banks are on the ropes and any real heavy selling of financial assets would send the banks into ruin. Just call it a long bank holiday and possibly F.D.I.C insurance would not be there, in fact they are so under capitolized that a nationwide crisis would wipe them out in the very first wiff of it. F.D.I.C. is only good if just a few isolated cases of banks go under, just look at the numbers and I'm not sure on this amount but I believe it's very close something like 30 billion in insurance. Not much with trillions of dollars being floated.They claim we have these safe guards, but with the bubble as big as it is our safe guards have shrunk to a peanut scale of protection.
We all are sitting on the edge of our seats, because when this baby really pops you'll know were in trouble. The fall out can't be a positive event in my opinion.
Hope everyone is gearing up for this one, for those that don't will never recover for years to come. Money will either dry up completely or dollars will be worthless. I wonder if we get both within a short period of time. I know which safe haven I'll have good in both cases.
-- get real (, May 07, 2000
and last night I passed wind from eating too many frijole's, an event of equal importance!
-- penelope pooh (, May 07, 2000.
-- NewDoomer (, May 08, 2000.
You are so stupid, it's amazing you can get out of bed in the morning.
-- (u r @ the mental .hospital), May 08, 2000.