Mame for windows-a lame : LUSENET : MAME Action Replay : One Thread |
Sorry to bother you with this lame question (I supose it is...)In some way my games in mame 324s gamlist been reversed
so the games with the letter "z" comes first istead of last...
It is very irritating... please help me i have tried to erase mame32 and when i have the version"installed" again they are still in the reverse order! Is there any option in mame 32 to fix this?
-- (, May 06, 2000
I just figured it out.. It was TOO easy!Cheers
-- QRS (, May 06, 2000.
No doubt, the solution was to click the tab bar to re-sort by reverse game name order. just re-stating this since someone might have the same problem and come to this thread for a clue how to solve it :)
-- Chad (, May 08, 2000.
poiiye le?
-- conli maut (, May 13, 2003.