Quotably Quoted #1 - 000505

greenspun.com : LUSENET : TB2K spinoff uncensored : One Thread

posted at the Hysterium:

   The problem with tolerating polly's is that by the end of January they will be demanding that the government find our supplies and distribute them to the masses, And then we have to kill them.

goldbug (goldbug@mint.com), December 12, 1999.

posted at comp.software.year-2000:

   Until mid September of this year, I had worked for a midsize corporation that provides service for among others many of the baby bells. We took the orders and shipped the goods, that is the phones, special equipment for call waiting, anything that required something physical to be shipped.
   When I went to work for this company I asked the head of IT about Y2K, he said no problem here. They had the standard disclaimer at their web site and told the SEC that we were in great shape.
   August 1999 - old IT boss resigns. New boss finds that NOTHING has been done. So in September 1999 company hires about 40 programmers for a crash effort to save their asses. From what I could tell they really had few clues as to what all needed to be looked into. They will be on my SHORT list come Y2k.
   -- goldbug ([4]goldbug@mint.com), December 22, 1999

Quotably Quoted #1 - a Mr. or Ms. "GoldBug"

In this offering, there is so much of the usual and typical nonsense that accompanied the paranoid mindset of the average doomer. So let's take it a step at a time:

First, there was the inate hatred of the (now historically-proven) correct - the pollies. The first quote was echoed and seconded by many of the doomers. Quite simply, they wished to rid the world of those who would dare to disagree with them - the chosen, the intelligent, the destined. For you see, either they had first-hand knowledge (as Mr. or Ms. Goldbug claimed to have - more later), or they knew someone who had expertise in the field - such as former expert Mr. Ed Yourdon - whom they believed. The solution was to eliminate the pollies, then all disagreement about the issue would cease, and their post-apocalyptic world could spin and spin and spin.

Next, there's the alleged first-hand account. A common tactic utilised by person's holding the weaker argument in debate and propaganda throughout the history of civilisation. This may have been true, however. Evidence suggests the company for which Mr. or Ms. Goldbug worked had a demonstrated propensity for hiring morons. Perhaps these same hiring practises which resulted in them hiring Goldbug as a intra-office mail person extended in-to the upper echelons of management, causing the company to hire an idiot as IT manager.

More to follow...

Vindicated Regards,
Andy Ray

-- Andy Ray (andyman633@hotmail.com), May 05, 2000


Andy Ray-You go guy!

-- Cherri (sams@brigadoon.com), May 05, 2000.


Andy Ray is Famous!


'Tis true, I have posted on other message boards, and under different aliases. Some of the aliases are on your side. ;) Sometimes, one alias argues vehemently with another - that adds credibility to the "doomer" alias, and gets him or her "in."

As I have stated before, 'tis all in the interests of securing information for a post-Y2K book with the working title "ShowDown @ the Y2K Corral: a study in 'cybernoia'." I have also entertained donating proceeds from the profits to Bill Gates, Steve Jobs, Microsoft or Apple. Any preferences?

You have been such wonderful participants in my information mining!

:) Regards, Andy Ray

-- Andy Ray (andyman633@hotmail.com), July 04, 1999.

-- (~@~.~), May 05, 2000.



Do not use this trick to disrupt the Hysterium - it is unfair... Wednesday, 28-Jul-1999 14:12:19 writes:

I have been wrongly accused recently of attempting to disrupt the Hysterium. Lately, someone (maybe more than one) has been posting using my name and email address - but I cannot make out whether the posts are meant to insult me or to further my cause of educating neutrals about the character of doomers - perhaps both, in which case I can live with the (attempted) insults.

In any case, were I trying to disrupt the forum, I would advise their opponents to utilise the following piece of code, which reroutes those pesky DELETE requests to your favorite thread.

Let's say, for the point of argument, that you wished to have a recent post from a@a.a receive all the DELETE requests your post is sure to generate. You could add the following code to the end of your message to redirect responses to that message:

You could aim this at any existing message for which you disagree by viewing the shortcut to that message and substituting the last part of it for the 'value' tag in the above.

But, do not do this, as this would be truly disruptive, and really beyond the pale in a civilised debate.


Andy Ray

-- (~@~.~), May 05, 2000.


Andy Ray ain't heavy, he's my...

-- (~@~.~), May 05, 2000.

Dear ~,

Thank you for the trip down memory lane. I notice you didn't sign with a recognisable alias - any particular reason? ;)

In my experience, the doomers who have not yet admitted their folly are the ones who hold the tightest to their pet (though deceased) hopes for disaster. They also demonstrate the most cowardice - as shown here.

Vindicated Regards,
Andy Ray

-- Andy Ray (andyman633@hotmail.com), May 05, 2000.

What's the code? Interested in Oracle Db.

-- curious coder (023456097234@theglobe.com), May 06, 2000.

This is really strange. Three threads on the old TB2000 have been reactivated but were also rendered unreadable. I take it someone doesn't want these threads to be read.

http://hv.greenspun.com/bboard/q-and-a-new-answers.tcl?topic=TimeBomb% 202000%20%28Y2000%29

-- (F@Y.I), May 06, 2000.

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