Greetings from Zimbabwe : LUSENET : DaVinci's Exile Test : One Thread

Hello all! I just accessed this noticeboard for the first time in about 18 months (the length of my travels to date) after Edit sent me the page address; I am heartened to see some people I still recognise up there. Glad to see some good things persist!

I am still travelling..... have just about covered all of East and Southern Africa so far, off to Mozambique on Sunday, to spend my birthday on a sun drenched isle in the Indian Ocean. What bliss. And after that back to South Africa and hence to good ole England again in order to work (ugh) if I can find a job after so many years.

The travels have been wonderful, and I would particularly like to say hello and thank-you to those faithful souls who have kept in touch despite the long gaps in correspondence from me as I travel between internet cafes. It is so good to know that I am remembered (if only occasionally *s*) by unknown voices back in the west (or east).

And for those who thrive on gossip..... and I know you all do.... you may be interested that leucite and lawsuit met twice in Cape Town a couple of months ago - very strange for me to meet a fellow exiler.

Anyway - I hope you are all well, please send me your news, but no joke pages etc. to my hotmail account as it can't take the strain in my long absences.

All the best

leucite aka Helen

-- Helen (, May 05, 2000


Leucite/Helen --

Wonderful to hear from you on the boards! I hope you're able to check in again soon. Love hearing of your adventures -- what a trip you've had! Do let us know when you can how the Mozambique trip went. You must have so many wonderful stories to tell. :-)

Miss you, and hope you continue to be safe.

-- editrix (, May 06, 2000.

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