Olympus C-2020Z Accessory Kit

greenspun.com : LUSENET : Imaging Resource Discussion : One Thread

Just recently was given an accessory kit as a present. The kit is for the Olympus C-2020Z digital camera. Some of the included parts I have no idea what they are or how to use them. Here are the ones I am not sure about: CLA-1 lens adapter tube, 43-55mm step-up ring, & 55mm UV filter. Any help would be appreciated.

-- Bob Woerner (beachterp@netzero.net), May 03, 2000


Since the camera has threads on the stationery part of the lens, you need to have the tube to put the filter, adapter,etc. past the end of the lens when you turn on the camera. Ever turn on the camera with the lens cap on? The lens will not extend. The step-up ring allows you to use a larger and more easily obtainable 58mm accessory filter. Great accessories- enjoy them. The UV filter is also called a skylight filter, and it makes the sky a little bit more contrasty. Generally this filter is used more for protection of the cameras lens.

-- Jim Ritter (kc8jgg@knownet.net), May 06, 2000.

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