Which size/brand media should I get with the Nikon 990

greenspun.com : LUSENET : Imaging Resource Discussion : One Thread

I am about to order the Nikon 990 and am wondering which size memory I should get. I would like to be able to shoot about 100 compressed pictures of the highest resolution. I would like to know if it is preferable to get 1 large Compactflash (128Mb enough?) or 2 smaller ones (64Mb?). Does it affect the power consumption at all? Also which brand should I buy and does it make any difference? I am trying not to spend too much. Is it worth it also getting the USB reader?

-- Dotan Saguy (dsaguy@yahoo.com), May 03, 2000


FWIW, the camera comes with Lexar media.

-- Tom Martin (tbmjr@msn.com), May 06, 2000.

Card readers are fabulous! Your camera is not tied to the computer while downloading, and the spead of loading with these things is amazing. Check Circuit City-had one in this week's flier for $30.00

-- tbennett (imaddog@seark.net), May 08, 2000.

Hi Dotan,

I recently purchased a 'simple' 128 mb Compactflash.

After using the 16mb CF that came with the camera, I found that I quickly filled it's memory. Now with 128mb, I have enough space, perhaps too much space, as I now take more test shots than required, and spend alot of time deleting the images one by one, which can get tiresome. I know that should something happen to the 128 mb CF card, that Im screwed, but you also have risks involved with any card and also film. I like the added bonus of not having to remove the card from the camera, therefore, less risk to the card from the environment. That's my point of view. Also, I have found little difference between download times between the 8x 16mb Lexar CF card compared to the 128mb CF card from Simple technologies, via USB (window's '98).

-- Haskell (haskell@squareusa.com), May 11, 2000.

I agree with the above. I use a 128MB Sandisk, have had no problems whatsoever. Great for trips! That storage size allows me to take several shots - if necessary or desired - using different metering approaches, etc., but I still have enough space to keep on going. Then in the evening I go and edit either using my notebook PC or even the motel TV and erase the images I don't want.

-- Ted Krohn (ted.krohn@fra.dot.gov), May 15, 2000.

In answer to your query Dotan, here's a simple calculation. The Nikon 990 is capable of creating files on average of 800kb size when used at the minimum JPEG compression setting of "fine". To be able to store 100 images of this size you require a CF card of at least:

800KB X 100 = 80000 KB ~= 80 Mb

There are various sizes of CF cards on the market, the closest that would satisfy your needs is the 96Mb models ( though you'll have to do some searching to find them.) For future growth potential though I would recommend the 128Mb cards. As I sit here, a TigerDirect.com advertisement for a 128Mb card has them selling around $160 each, which is not that bad considering that a year ago you could only get a 32Mb card for about the same price !

Enjoy taking those Coolpics!

-- David SL (igo4ward@netzero.net), July 04, 2000.

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