Capnfun, how is Sadie doing? : LUSENET : TB2K spinoff uncensored : One Thread

I believe your plea was real and I sent my good thoughts. How is Sadie doing now?

-- Pam (, May 02, 2000


Thank you for your concern Pam.

The last few days have been VERY up and down,going fron one extreme to another,yesterday morning the doc's had told her parent's to prepare themselves for the worst as it was a grim situation, but by last night at mid-night the doc's were shaking their heads wondering how she could not only still be alive but be improving,noticeably.

I have not talked to them today and can only hope that the improvement has been consistent.

Ya Gotta Keep The Faith.

Thanks to all for the concern and prayers.

-- capnfun (, May 02, 2000.

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