[Buffy fans] - Is it me, or is OZ absolutely scrumptious?

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It's bad enough that I have a horrible weakness for blonds, but strawberry blondish guys with long lush lashes.


Is it me? Am I the only one that thinks OZ is just adorable? Have I lost my mind or what? [maybe I shouldn't ask that]

Please tell me I am not the only one, or better yet, fess up who your *cutie* TV/ Movie crush is.

-- Anonymous, May 02, 2000


No, you are not alone. He's yummy.

I like Pacey on Dawson's Creek and Angel (Davis what's his face).

Oh and Stone Phillips on Dateline. Ha, kidding. He nods his head too much.

-- Anonymous, May 02, 2000

I always liked Oz up until tonight. Seeing his oddly hairless body and how truly short he is just turned me off for some reason. Now when I look at him, I see an 11-year-old boy. Not that I have anything against Seth Green as an actor, but my Oz-crush has disappeared into thin air.

-- Anonymous, May 02, 2000

Hey Krystyna, you're not alone!

I haven't seen the last apparition of Oz [living in Europe, I'll get it much later], but i doubt it could ever turn me off!

He's everything i like in a guy, plus things i don't like but he does so well you have to admire it: intelligent, witty, self-confident, cute, mature, calm...

I would normally freak out with a guy who is that quiet, but not with him, 'cause he's reassuring in a way that i think would fit the most insecure of teenagers. Am i wrong here?

I think my boyfriend knows i like Oz so much it kinda makes him jealous [and he's not jealous in general, at all!].

That, or he's jealous because he likes him as well, and it's damn well possible.

Ooh... you should never have got me started on this!...

-- Anonymous, May 03, 2000

What the hell is wrong with me? I am ashamed to admit it, but Buffy soooo turns me on. Her, and Joey on Dawson's Creek. I like Buffy because she is so angst ridden, but can totally kick ass. There is something endeearing about that. Joey, on the other hand, is just so simply innocent looking. Maybe it is lousy of me to say it, but some small part of me wants to corrupt her! Plus, I think I have a thing for girls named Joey. I always liked Joey (Jo) on the Facts of Life too. Once again, she could totally kick ass, but was so self- concious in social settings.

I am such the WB whore

-- Anonymous, May 03, 2000

Oh, to hell with Oz. I love Seth Green and I love the Oz character, but the new development is a good one. The whole Willow/Tara thing had me in tears.

I thought last night's episode was really well done, by the way, and as emotionally wrenching as anything I've seen since Buffy sent Angel to hell.

-- Anonymous, May 03, 2000

Oz is magically delicious. I'd take him over David Borneaz any day. In fact, I wouldn't take David B. at all. And Pacy, Joshua Jackson, on Dawson's Creek is absolutely adorable though I haven't watched that show in ages. Thomas Gibson (Greg on Dharma & Greg) is my television grown-up crush.

Also, I see not a thing wrong with Stone Philips though he really is showing his age... or his facelifts.

-- Anonymous, May 03, 2000

I wasn't able to get into last night's episode, because we had to stop every 5 minutes or so. (One member of our family was very high maintenance last night, and for once it wasn't either me or Darin.) So the emotional import sort of washed right over me.

I like Seth Green but don't find him cute attractive -- I find him cute in a "let's go have coffee" kind of way. I've always thought Nicholas Brendon was really cute and couldn't understand why everyone was going nuts over David Boreanaz (who, I have to admit, has grown on me a great deal since "Angel" started).

-- Anonymous, May 03, 2000

I enjoyed last night's episode overall, and while I was very sad to see Oz go, I wasn't surprised, as I believe that Seth Green is definitely "going places" -- far beyond the WB. Because of my deep and abiding love for Oz, I was a little relieved that we were not subjected to another heartbreaking goodbye scene with Willow, because I'm frankly not sure that I could have handled it.

Slightly O/T: Seth Green's performance is the best thing about Can't Hardly Wait. His performance in this silly movie is heartfelt and hilarious at the same time, which is something I think few actors of his generation can pull off.

-- Anonymous, May 03, 2000

The scene with Oz reclined on Willow's bed, beads entwined around his fingers - hubba hubba.


I have to admit that I was crying like a girl last night and I cast my vote in favor of the Willow and Tara storyline. It's simply right on the money and non-exploitative - I LOVED when Tara simply smiled and blew out the candle, which was both romantic and erotic in a sweetly innocent way.

What disappointed me was the writers were obviously in a bind - they had two storylines to advance and thus poor Oz was once again given not enough screen time so that we could Adam and Spike planning something (again, it wasn't clear because there wasn't enough time and Adam is so dull and non-threatening, who cares? Buffy will defeat him. No tension.) so we never really got to see a REAL resolution with Willow and Oz. He finds out from Tara and then BAM! captured by the commando guys. And then he's talking to Willow and they hug.

It was moving, yes, and that's when I was crying like a girl, but it felt rushed and forced. Too short. More Oz, dammit.

My only other wish is that Tara would grow either a backbone or a personality that goes beyond constant stuttering and hesitating speech patterns. Let the girl blossom.

-- Anonymous, May 03, 2000

I haven't seen the new episode yet, but I can't wait. It looks like Saturday is going to be a tearjerker.

Has anyone noticed how Seth Green is everywhere? I watched Angel for the first time and BOOM! There was Seth. I watch old reruns of the X- Files, and there's Seth. Austin Powers, Seth. I think he and Kevin Bacon should get together and take over the entertainment universe.

And linking Seth Green to Kevin Bacon is WAY too easy.

-- Anonymous, May 03, 2000

In terms of swoon-factor, Faith, Giles, Angel and Oz top my hubba-hubba list. They all have such expressive eyes and that gets me every time.

I also like Pacey from Dawson's Creek for the same reason.

My biggest movie crush though, is Christian Bale -- though I've yet to see his latest film, which by some accounts may finally be his "breakout" role.

-- Anonymous, May 03, 2000

Ok, ok....please don't everyone faint on me....but last night was the first time I had gotten to watch Buffy in nearly 2 years!!! Where I lived, we couldn't get that channel, so I feel really, really lost. What happened to Buffy and Angel? Is Willow a lesbian now? Is there anybody out there that will take pity on this poor soul and PLEASE fill me in?!!


-- Anonymous, May 04, 2000

Oooooh.. Oz... Yummy.

And I don't like Tara at all... But then, Willow has turned into such an iffy character this year that I guess they work together. Bah. And I used to like Willow, too. (Oh, and I'm also convinced that Tara is going turn out to be evil.) Can we go back to last season now, please?

-- Anonymous, May 04, 2000

I love Oz, but I thought this ep really rocked for Willow. Just last week I saw one of the eps right after Oz left, when she was coping with the idea the realization that Oz had been her ticket to being cool and accepted, and wondering how she could create a new life that would be true to herself but also be somewhat popular. She did a damn good job, and choosing Tara was a gutsy resolution. One minor concern to me was that making Willow the wild card in his returning werewolf problem seemed just too similar to Buffy's role in Angel's fall. I dislike the inherent message that it is up to the girls to keep the boys "pure". It was fleshed out enough not to seem arbitrary, but it still bothers me a little. OTOH, I liked the parallel themes of Buffy and Angel, in the issue of dealing with old and new loves. Buffy and Angel -- when they were hot they were HOT. But I gotta say my favorite teen angst TV couple will always be Brenda and Dylan.

-- Anonymous, May 04, 2000

Amelia's point about girls keeping the boys pure is interesting. Think on it a sec: Buffy's influence saves Riley from being such an Initiative ass, and it was a female werewolf who caused the problems for Oz to begin with. A woman created Adam. Hmm. Is it that the girls are responsible for the boys' moral centres? Or is it just that sex and love and all that stuff is so powerful? I'm trying to come up with examples of girl characters being corrupted/saved by boys, and all I'm thinking of is Faith being corrupted by the Mayor, and Anya being socialized by Xander.

Oh and yes, Oz is dreamy. But then I think Adam is a hottie, so you probably can't go by me.

Parietal Pericardium

-- Anonymous, May 04, 2000

Oz...Ozzzzzzz.... I swear, it's the intensity of his intelligence and talent that gets me. Lord knows I don't go for men who are littler than me, but he can growl into my shoulder any day. damn!

Why do I have to give up Oz to have a Willow with her own cojones? However, I agree with previous postings that the final scene was tasteful, sweet and sexy. Yet, though I like Tara (I nearly typed "Stara"!) I wish she'd stop stammering. She's more willowy than Willow.

without Oz, though, they've got to give us another character with serious darkness, gravitas and smarts...


-- Anonymous, May 04, 2000

Oz is one of my faves! Heather, you forgot the movies Idle Hands, and going waaayyyy back, Can't Buy me Love with Patrick Dempsey. Seth played the little brother (Chucky?). And Angie, check out Beth's Buffy links. Most of the sites have reviews of each episode. I know how you feel about missing the show. My cable company dropped the WB after the first episode this season. We just got it back a few months ago.

-- Anonymous, May 04, 2000

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