911 fails in San Francisco

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911 fails in San Francisco

Monday, May 1, 2000 Breaking News Sections

(05-01) 18:05 PDT SAN FRANCISCO (AP) -- The 911 system in San Francisco went out-of-order Monday afternoon, according to city officials.

The problem appeared to have been caused by a cable being mistakenly cut near the city Hall of Justice, said Jim Aldrich, spokesman for the city Office of Emergency Services. The outage occurred about 2:45 p.m., said Mike Martin, director of the city's emergency call system.

A backup system kicked in, with calls redirected to an alternate dispatching facility. Martin said it was handling all calls without any unusual problems.

Pacific Bell workers were trying to restore service


-- Martin Thompson (mthom1927@aol.com), May 02, 2000


I've never before heard of so many cables being "mistakenly" cut.

-- JackW (jpayne@webtv.net), May 02, 2000.

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