Lithium Batteries instead of NiMH? : LUSENET : Imaging Resource Discussion : One Thread

My Fuji 4700 manual advises against using Lithium batteries instead of the included AA 1600mah NiMH batteries because they generate too much heat, but I need a long battery life.

Will this really damage my camera?

Any recommended e-tailers to get Lithium rechargeables/chargers?

-- Ted Ching (, April 30, 2000


Just get extra sets of NiMH. If you try the lithium rechargable, let us know if it blows up in your face with camera shrapnel and battery acid. OK that was a joke, don't try it. :)

-- benoit (, April 30, 2000.

Ted--first read the 'Digital camera batteries' article on, including the 2 links to, if you want to know the facts about cells, batteries, and charging/chargers.

You seem to be a candidate for the heavy-duty, low-$ pack that Dan built. I, too, built one but just got it together so I do not yet have experience with it, but it works, and I'll see!

-- Jeffrey Behr (, May 13, 2000.

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