PANASONIC plug-in MPEG encoder creates .mpeg file not .mpg file ? : LUSENET : Video CD : One Thread

I usually encode my avi ATI VCR2.0 file to .mpg vcd compliant with Ulead video studio v4.0, although the quality is not good but it works well when I burn it with WinOn CD 3.7 and can be played well with any stand alone vcd player.

But when I encode it with Panasonic in ADOBE PREMIERE v5.0, (using VCD-NTSC option), yes the quality is much better, but WinOn CD will never recognize it as VCD compliant. Is this because Panasonic creates .mpeg vcd compliant file ? not .mpg file ? Is there any differences between .mpg and .mpeg ? Or maybe any possibilities to change the .mpeg to .mpg ?

So I use EZ CD creator 4.0, result is the same - not recognized. EZ is very picky, even my .mpg from Ulead won't be recognized !

Then I use NERO v4.0, NERO accept this .mpeg file but NERO said that the file is not VCD v2.0 format, so NERO turn-off the tick box of "creating VCD v2.0", and accept the file. (but .mpg file created w/ Ulead is recognized as VCD v2.0). Anyhow, I burn it, 8x speed with crw8424, and it works fine when I play it.

A few things I don't like from NERO are, NERO never allowed me to make an image file first from the VCD project, there is No Option to "make image file" on write CD box, it always directly write to cd. Another thing is it takes a while for NERO to check my .mpeg panasonic file, but accept soon my .mpg (Ulead created) file without checking it first.

Please help me, where do I can find "make image file" on NERO VCD making ? Can I create .mpg (not .mpeg) VCD compliant with PANASONIC ? Why PANASONIC help file said that it creates VCD v2.0 compliant, but never recognized by 3 burning programs ? Why ATI AIW 128 never let me to use other compressionn ? such as cinepak, indeo, etc, but only its compressor when capturing ? Even ATI never let me to capture in full frames uncompressed.

Any help and input would be very much appreciated.

Thank you for all in this VCD FAQ forum, especially thanks for Nguyen....:-).

Regards, Sunar.

-- Sunar Karjadi (, April 30, 2000


Rename the file into .mpg. It works with WinonCD

-- ROBERT CUBRIC (, May 02, 2000.

Yes just rename the file or I think putting Name.mpg in the output at the encode stage also works.

Nero will burn images, your not just setting it up correctly:

Select the "image device" instead of your burner.

Drag the whole CD icon into the contruction window (it will then list all of the files and folders on the CD automatically) then use the burn CD option, it burns it to the hdd instead of to the burner drive.

The image option is better than burning on the fly when doing more than one copy or it will prevent you burning a coaster of a "dicky" CD. At least any coaster will occur on the hard drive and not on the CD-R.

If you save the image file content you can go back to it as an archive, its an easy way of archiving VCD's for future use.

Used an archive image for 5 additional copies of a data CD just last night - not a problem, just "burn from an image".

The other advantage of Nero is that it lives on the same system with VideoPack4 installed.

-- Ross McL (, May 03, 2000.

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