Boycott Hong Kong Imports, : LUSENET : Video CD : One Thread |
This company has decided to try and ruin a great posting board by using it for free advertisement. This was tolorated when it was only posts. However, this spammer has started posting links that involuntarily send people to their site. This is unacceptable.I hearby declare my own personnal boycott against HKImports and invite all of you to join me in this. I will also start bad "word of mouth" postings on other VCD boards and newsgroups and encourage others to do the same.
Please post your feelings to this thread as they are being forwarded to the person listed on the Hong Kong Imports site.
-- Hong Kong Imports, UK (, April 30, 2000
I don't like to be forced into going somewhere when i don't wish to. I don't mind the advertisement so much as long as it is useful(once a week is enough i think, but everyday is getting too much); This save me the time and effort of searching the web for stuff like this (searching the web is worst then this company's spamming i think). This company has interesting materials to offer, but the owner is taking his sale technique way over board (slow down man...if you have goods to offer people, let words of mouth do the talking for you...don't have to force people into it. The spamming may be a good intention to help save time for folks to get to your site, but copy and paste the URL and press the enter button is just as fast. It's simply good business sense to allow people decides what they need and supply them with good services). Shelton88, please don't forbid advertisements from this board as long as they don't do what Hong Kong Imports is doing; Advertisement has some good informations for our hobby. As for Hong Kong Imports action here on this forum, I think we should spare him for this time, since it is his first mistake. Allow him to mend his way.
-- (, April 30, 2000.
hello as owner of , i did not do this and its some sort of joke.......not very funny though
-- hello this was not me who did it (, April 30, 2000.
I do not appreciate being involuntarily re-directed to another site when I read a post. Please stop using this board as your personal advertisement space. One or two posts a week is ok, but not the number you have been doing lately.
-- EG Marshall (, April 30, 2000.
hello..... i DID DO THE POSTS THAT RE-DIRECT PEOPLE and your getting confusest with me and WWW.HKEXPORT.UKF.NET (hk export) that spam this board about 4 times a week, im WWW.HONGKONGIMPORT.CO.UK and try to do 1 or 2 posts a week, also i whoever did them posts to make me look stupid please stop doing them
-- hong kong import (, May 02, 2000.
woops in the 1st line of the above messgae i ment to say "IDID NOT DO THE POSTS" :-)
-- david (, May 02, 2000.
Yes, that's true. You guys shouldn't abuse this forum, by using it to advertise your own sites. This is very bad, someone like you should be banned from this forum, for once and for all. If your site is really that good, people will know how to find it, and there's no need for you to advertise it this way.
-- Clement Patterson (, August 14, 2000.