Its Time! : LUSENET : DaVinci's Exile Test : One Thread |
Don't you all think it is time we all got together? Exile is so depressing anymore.....and I miss some of you chatters! Someone pick a day and a time and lets hook up ok? I feel a bit home sick!!!Hugs
-- Shel (, April 29, 2000
Well, let's gather people on Monday night, then! Get the word out!One caveat: I'm going in hospital for some minor stuff on Monday, and may be kept overnight. If I am, then I'll be a poop and can't come to the party. Not that I don't want to! Hopefully I can be here!
(This really is minor stuff. They need to look under the hood is all, and because I have high blood sugar, they may have to keep me overnight to make sure I get back to normal levels cause I'm fasting this weekend so they can "look inside." This is more than you wanted to know ... right? It's pretty icky. :-) )
-- Editrix (, April 30, 2000.
Hey Digitly & Tony! Long time. I'm trying to make an effort to be in Exile most evenings somewhere between 9-11pm ET. I'll try it in the afternoons (U.S. ET), as well, to catch the Australian-time people too. When's the best time for your lattitude?Speaking of which -- found a great little tool that does time conversions: You just input your time zone in one column, choose the time zone you want to see converter, and voila! Gives you both times, accurate to the clock right then and there. :-)
See you guys in Exile this weeek? That would be great!
-- Editrix (, May 03, 2000.
Me too shels. If you all pick a day or night I'll do my best to be there.
-- Laighe of the Limberlost (, April 29, 2000.
HERE! HERE!..and I'll be there. About time someone spoke up! You say when and I'll be there...I'll even take a bath before hand!(free wash- n-go shower to all that attend) to come up with a gest real fast for that one! Let's do this people!
-- Washngo (, April 30, 2000.
I fully agree!I was thinking this morning that May Day might make a nice occasion. It's Monday, though. Would that be possible, or is it too soon to gather people? (We can always have a "May Day" belatedly, too.)
-- Editrix (, April 30, 2000.
Edi, Monday night works for me....Too early to gather everyone?
-- Shel (, April 30, 2000.
:p well I'm here now...where is everyone? hmmf!
-- Tommie (, April 30, 2000.
SOOOO? Tonight? Someone post it and let me know.......Im working at the moment...I will check in around 9 I guess.
-- Shel (, May 01, 2000.
YAY!!! It's been far too long, I agree. And especially now: I want to catch up with you good people before I head for the USofA, in June. I hope everyone's well; Edi, I hope your recovery is swift and comprehensive!!Love yiz ALL, Tony
-- Tony B (, May 02, 2000.
i know, noone is ever here at exile any more...we definately need to get a good group over here and lots more often. its way too few and far between that i see anybody there at all.
-- digitlyspun (, May 03, 2000.
Hello Everybody! Ok, I finally got a computer of my own since I moved. Yes it took forever, but yay, go me! hehe. Anyhow, I think we should set another date as I , um, appeared to have missed Monday! Ciao bugg-girl
-- buggums (, May 03, 2000.