Time and Date on digital images.

greenspun.com : LUSENET : Imaging Resource Discussion : One Thread

I have a Fuji MX-600Z camera and have used several other models. At work, it would be useful to have the data/time stamp on my images. Most digital cameras show the data and time on playback but not on the downloaded images. How can I get this information. What camera(s) or camera accessories can I use?

-- James Pratt (james_pratt@altavista.com), April 29, 2000


Some high end digicams store metadata(date/time, aperture, shutter speed and other camera settings) along with picture data. A variation of the JPEG file format is commonly used, JPEG(EXIF) for exchangeable image format. Look for that in the camera literature.

I know that the Olympus c-2500L uses same. You can view the metadata using an extractor program like Picture Information Extractor from hoju.Soft You can get a trial version for Windows at www.hoju.de Happy hunting!

-- Mica Billing (blueleftsf@hotmail.com), May 16, 2000.

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