Are you psychic? : LUSENET : Xeney : One Thread |
Are you psychic?My husband, on a recent car trip, knew that a suburban in front of us was going to blow a tire, before it happened. He talked about it off and on all day, amazed at his this new and untapped ability. We speculated as to whether or not he should call up Dion Warwick for a job.
Any stories of unexplained psychic phenomena?
-- Anonymous, April 28, 2000
Remember in the Buffy movie (which is nowhere near as good as the show!) when Buffy would get cramps just as a vampire was about to strike?Well i personally get very nervous and fluttery in my stomach when my boyfriend's psycho ex is about to show up and ring our doorbell or sneak into the building to knock on our apartment door - again.
It's a little freaky really.
She's such a lunatic. Who the hell stalks their ex-boyfriend for fourteen freakin' months?!
Mild tangent. My bad.
Wow. So i'm psychic. :)
-- Anonymous, April 28, 2000
I answered your question yesterday.
-- Anonymous, April 28, 2000
I seem to have this really bizarre gift for predicting what the next song on the radio will be. What happens is, a fragment of some song or other will rise unbidden to the surface of my twisted mind, and quite often that song will come on the radio a few seconds later. Unfortunately I can't do it deliberately, I can't say that song XYZ by band ZYX will be up next, because it never works like that. It's had me puzzled for quite a few years, and it's happened too many times over a number of years to be easily explained
-- Anonymous, April 29, 2000
I've actually done a lot of this. Being able to tell who certain teachers are going to call on, certain instincts about who's there or what will happen, a ghost experience once (though I wouldn't call that psychic), once knowing that a friend was feeling sick.
-- Anonymous, April 29, 2000
I dunno if this counts as psychic or not...but m,y fiance and I will often wake up at the exact same time, look at the clock and go back to sleep. Now, this wouldn't seem so weird if we lived together, but I live with my parents, fifteen minutes from his apartment. Strange? Yes.Bill (my fiance) used to be a waiter, and he always said he could predict whjat people were going to order before they did. He also anticipates what I'm going to say quite often, answering questions or addressing concerns before I've voiced them. Even weirder.
-- Anonymous, April 30, 2000
James: I do that all the time too. Always have, since I was a kid.
As much as I believe in psychic phenomenon(whoo I always mess up the spelling on that one :P), I think Radio predictions stem from the fact that a good majority of radio stations have some songs that are in the same loop that they play at the same time throughout the day. If you listen to a station enough, your subconscious is going to pick up on their patterns.
Of course, that's just my theory. I've never sat down and noted the songs that my favorite station plays throughout the day to prove myself right or wrong. (Though, at one point I would pay extra attention whenever they played a certain commercial, because a certain song would always follow it. [It was a couple of years ago, so I don't rmeember the song or the commercial.])
-- Anonymous, April 30, 2000
I've had a lot of wierd things happen but I doubt it is because I'm psychic. Usually I just chalk it up to having a very routine, boring life.I can usually tell right before the phone rings and I'll pick it up before it does so. I've had the wierd experience of answering people's questions before they ask them (but this is kind of limited to people I know pretty well--so it could just be that we hang out too much). When I do this, I answer a question that I really thought they asked out loud and I end up doing it right before they actually say it. Kind of creepy. Or I'll fix for dinner the one thing that my boyfriend wanted but hadn't told me, there's a lot of that as well.
I can sometimes do it with the radio, too, so that's wierd that it has already been mentioned. If I try to do it, I can't at all. I'll just be singing a song and I'll flip the station and it will come on next.
Like I said--I don't think I'm necessarily psychic, I think I just need to get out more.
-- Anonymous, May 01, 2000
Every once in a while I shock myself with precognition. I was at a friend's new house, where everything--the rug, the upholstery, the bed spread--was white. He offered me red wine, and as soon as I had it in my hand I thought, This is going to spill and cause major damage, I can see it happening. It was like a certainty! I told my friend I was going in the kitchen with it and he said, "Don't be silly." So I started to chug it down to get rid of it, and was becoming tipsy. My friend was like, "What are you doing? You won't spill it, you're an adult!" So I set the glass of wine down on an end table, well back from the edge. Five minutes later his phone rang, and he leaped out of the couch to dash across the room and managed to kick the glass off the table. Cabernet splashed across the sofa, the wall, and the rug, just as I had foreseen. I was just glad I hadn't been the one to put it there.
-- Anonymous, May 01, 2000
Cool anecdotes. They remind me of a story in one of Richard Feynman's autobiographies. It went something like this:
He was in his dorm room and the phone rang. Before he picked it up, a precognition came over him and he knew that it was going to be his mother calling to let him know that his grandfather had just died.
He picked up the phone and it wasn't.
His moral of the story was that you only remember the time when your psychic abilities "work," and not when they don't.
-- Anonymous, May 01, 2000
I don't really feel like I'm psychic, but I sometimes have dreams about things before they happen. Mostly deaths, which can be quite unsettling.First, I dreamed that my grandfather died and woke up to my dad coming into my room. I just said, "It's ok, Dad, I already know." He was coming in to tell me my grandfather had died that morning. Completely freaked him out.
The next time, I had a dream that I was on a bus with some people from my school. We came up on an accident. This guy Tim stood up and so did I. I just kept saying, "I'm so sorry Tim." Later in the morning, my mom told me that a girl my sister had gone to school with since kindergarten had died the night before in a car accident. The weird thing, Tim was her cousin.
I'm always scared when I have dreams that people have died now. If I ever dream that my parents die and I wake up and no one is home, my entire family gets a few frantic phone calls from me, hoping to find them somewhere. Thank goodness those dreams haven't come true.
-- Anonymous, May 01, 2000
Nope, I don't think so. I'm like Richard Feynman (Sp?) - Sometimes I have really strong precognitions. Mostly they're wrong. ;p
-- Anonymous, May 01, 2000
I often have this feeling that when I turn the corner of a building or something that is blocking my view, several mafioso type guys will be there ready to blow me away with great big guns. This has never actually happened. I think I watch too many action films - I don't imagine that I'll die, I'll just do some wicked cartwheel type moves that I'd never actually be able to pull off, and get away. But if it ever happens I'll let you all know.
I frequently pick up the phone before it rings, ready to phone somebody, and they'll be on other end. Spooky? Not really. Think about how many times a day you phone people and how often (proportionately) this happens. It's just a statistical thing, I think. Like, if something has a one in a million chance of occurring in any given year, then it should happen to thirty Canadians every year.
Isn't math fun? Joanne
Parietal Pericardium
-- Anonymous, May 02, 2000