Problems with playback : LUSENET : MAME Action Replay : One Thread

I'm having a lot more problems playing back Bally/Midway games (Discs of Tron, Satan's Hollow) and NeoGeo games (Magical Drop 3) with .36final than I was with most beta versions of MAME32. Anybody know why this is, and what the last solidly reliable version of MAME or MAME32 for recording these games was?

p.s. Donut, if you're reading this, it seems like as soon as I break 4mil on Magical Drop 3 (Magical Journey), it won't play back the same first level in my recording. Have you had similar problems? (respond here, e-mail still down)

-- Q.T.Quazar (, April 28, 2000


If you have a 4m recording can you send it to me so I can check it? Your 3.5M on the game you posted looks good. GB9 thought it was leeched because you didn't hit any flames to advance spaces, but I told him that the thing speeds up after so many boards and it knocked you out. If you send me one of your inps, let me know what version so I can use the right one.

-- Donut (, April 28, 2000.

Yeah, I can send it tonight via my dad's e-mail. I don't think you'll have much luck playing it back, as it essentially breaks on the first screen. The frustrating thing is that my highscore screen shows the scores but I'll be damned if I can prove them.

And for anyone thinking that game was a leech, like Donut said, by about 3mil, you're fighting against the clock.

-- Q.T.Quazar (, April 28, 2000.

yeah - the recording is fine with me

I think Q.T. mentioned the DirectSound problem in MAME 32 - I think he said the latest version that it's working on is 36 beta 10. Better yet - with the neogeo games at least - use 35 FINAL. That's my opinion.

-- Gameboy9 (, April 28, 2000.

Before recording or playback, I hope you are remembering to delete your .nv files from the nvram folder. This can affect some MCR and NeoGeo games. Just a thought...

-- Barry Rodewald (, April 28, 2000.

QT, i can't playback your Magdrop2-smm score past the first level. I also noticed that it plays back differently bad (it doesn't even playback the credit button being pressed) if I remove my magdrop2.nv file. Is anyone else able to play QT's recent magdrop2 recording?

-- Chad (, April 29, 2000.

I haven't been able to playback ANY magdrop2 recording of Q.T.'s - I bet this goes across the board for anyone who plays magdrop2 in win36. I have uploaded a WIN35 recording that DOES playback in WIN35 (but not DOS35) - so PLEASE record in MAME32 version 35 - I(and probably Skito) will make sure you are rewarded nicely! :)

-- Gameboy9 (, April 29, 2000.

I just made a perfectly fine magdrop2 recording with win36 and dos37b1, you just have to remove the nv files BEFORE recording, and sometimes BEFORE playback as well. QT, hope you're going to make some more playbackable recordings soon :)

-- Chad (, April 29, 2000.

Sorry. My nvram file is indeed affecting playback (Damn, that's probably what did it for Magical Drop 3-MJ as well) I will re-upload my Magical Drop 2 scores with the .nv file included, so people can use it for playback.

-- Q.T.Quazar (, April 29, 2000.

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