Indian photog in USA : LUSENET : Dirck Halstead : One Thread

Hi everybody,

I am a news cameraman based in New Delhi,India working for a Asian 24hrs satellite based news channel. I will be in the USA,specifically in the DC area around the middle of May. I was hoping to meet friends in the business and see how the other side of the world operates. My station is using DVCPro cameras and I have been with them for over 6 years. So,hoping to meet all you in the USA. I will be in DC for a fortnight only.

-- Anamitra Chakladar (, April 28, 2000


anamitra hi, my name is brendan esposito im a photojournalist (stills) with the sydney morning herald newspaper ( sydney australia i am coming to india new dehli around the month of october i will be in new dehli for only a short period of time then im travelling down to varanessie , my reason for travelling to india is i would like to document indian circuses,ive already photographed the last ten remaining ciruses in australia .the circus way of life in australia in almost finished due to the government restrictions on animals in the country,i would like to do as many circuse around the world as i could ,ive been to india twice before and it is a difficult country to work in unless you have a lot of money (which i dont) or an interpreter to speak indian and help you get around . being a press cameraman i hope you could help me in a small way and i would not take up to much of your time.maybe i could return the favour some time i understand thier is a circus in new dehli called the AMAR CIRCUS, AND THE GEMINI CIRCUS,OR THE FAMOUS CIRCUS IN CALCUTTER,THESE ARE JUST A SMALL EXAMPLE of tsome of the circus names ,i think the circuses travell from town to town ,i also was hoping to photograph the camel festival and i believe some circuses would be thier ,if you have any information that would be of assistance to me it would be most appreciated ,

thanks for you time brendan esposito photojournaloist

-- brendan esposito (, January 30, 2001.

Hi, I am a photojpurnalist in New Delhi and am planning a similar excercise to you. Am applying for fellowship to cover the Indian circuses. still exploring for a definate angle to explore. Great to hear that somebody else is planning the same. As I feel each photographer has a unique eye it would be cool to help each other. What do you think? Regards Ruhani New Delhi India 9891013044

-- RUhani KAur (, June 02, 2004.

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