Happy Birthday Digitly Spin

greenspun.com : LUSENET : DaVinci's Exile Test : One Thread

About time you grew up girl! Don't have too much fun coz i need some fun as well, and remember we lesbians need to share! I Love ya & hope you have a great B-Day....HUGS & KISSES ........JAS (goal__)

-- Jas B (goal__@excite.com), April 25, 2000


Many happy returns Digit! Somehow you (all) made it! Congratulations and keep smiling and rhyming.. Hugs

-- orpheus6 (orpheus48@hotmail.com), April 26, 2000.

thanx millions and millions you guys...that is so sweet. and goal i had some fun for you and left some that you could take as your own...happy b-day too my favorite lesbian! as far as i can see it you both get in the high trillions for punk rock points making you the top scorers and final contestants. ha. love you toodles! digitlyspun

spinnin and spinnin and spinnin and spun

-- digitly spun (geekslutnerdgirl@hotmail.com), May 03, 2000.

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