Posting images on the OK Forum : LUSENET : orienteer kansas : One Thread

Several months ago the moderator of the OK Forum wrote something about posting images on the OK Forum. I couldn't locate the old post.

Suppose one wanted to post images on the OK Forum. Is that a good idea? Is that the source of all ills? If one had good reason to post images what ought one know? What can an OKer do to facilitate appropriate image handling?

-- Mook (, April 25, 2000


Posting images can be ok if there is a reason to do so. Keep in mind that images can be annoyingly slow to load if you browse the internet on a modem.

Posting images is not the "source of all ills."

In the past I have posted bits of maps and a photo of the new OK O' suit. I have also included a link to images on other sites.

To include an image, just put the HTML code in your message. The code should look something like this:

img alt="Fish Tacos!" src=""

[Note that you need to use the "less than" symbol befor the "img alt" and the "greater than" symbol after the URL with the image]

If you post images of maps, please make sure you've got some sort of permission to use the image.

If an image is inappropriate (e.g. it would shock or disgust an OKer), I can use my power as forum moderator to remove the image.

-- Michael (, April 25, 2000.

Surely the stomach of the average OKer can handle any image even Mook could offer up, given that armadillo parts are a mainstay of the OK diet, and given that the graphic descriptions of Snorkel's ankle explosion didn't even begin to cause any veteran OKers to become the least bit queasy, and particularly not that of "Rooster" Jones. (I think we are still waiting to see what happens when the ACLU hears about those poor lab roosters.)

-- Swampfox (, April 26, 2000.

Just testing folks, thanks for your patience!

-- Mook (, April 27, 2000.

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