List of VCD : LUSENET : Video CD : One Thread |
Right, why don't we make list/chart of VCD retailers that sell originals and those that sell counterfeit bootlegs?To be quite honest with you, I've been having certain doubts about and some other certain dealers based in Malaysia.
This should be interesting.
-- Ronald Grant (, April 24, 2000
Hi Ronald,We are an operator of an online store selling original Video CD. We sell only quality, original Video CDs, hence our movie listing is not as much as there rest of the retailers you might come across.
We are based in Malaysia too, but we only sell quality ORIGINAL Video CDs. Most of them are based in Malaysia because the English movie source from Malaysia do not carry Chinese Subtitles unlike Hong Kong retailers.
Please feel free to visit us at
to see what we have to offer.
regards, Vincent VideoValley.COM
-- Vincent Chen (, May 07, 2000.
I have been to video valley's site and i noticed that under the chinese genre they sell hong kong series in vcd format! I have never heard of this unless of course they have duplicated the video rights to vcd!be ware!
-- dave ng kee soon (, May 12, 2000.
I once heard some people complained about for selling poor quality VCDs. I am not so sure about pirated copies, but don't bet on it. They could just be another scam. Beware while shopping on the internet. Ask around first for best opinions. Don't get cheated.
-- Craig Jericho (, August 14, 2000.