White House eyes are on Susan schmidt not Elian Gonzalez

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In the end, its the book the White House has feared the most.

WASHINGTON POST reporter Sue Schmidt, first to get Lewinsky in print [more than 72 hours after the Internet], and the subject of a blistering White House report ordered by the first lady, is now ready to unload her secret files on various Clinton scandals in a new expose set to rock official Washington.

In 1996, Hillary Rodham Clinton ordered the White House to draft a report [prepared at taxpayer expense] criticizing Sue Schmidt's coverage of Whitewater.

"It's now time for Sue's sweet revenge!" declares a WASHINGTON POST editor.

The book "Truth at Any Cost : Ken Starr and the Unmaking of Bill Clinton" [HARPERCOLLINS] takes the reader on an ultimate insider pro-prosecution trip through years of investigation and creative legal maneuvering by the defense.

[The book has been a sleeping giant, ranking #5,820 on AMAZON's sales list just days before publication.]

Schmidt and partner Michael Weisskopf [TIME magazine] crack stunning new details of various Clinton scandals and their players.

White House eyes will not be focused on Elian Gonzalez this weekend -- they'll be focused on Schmidt.

The WASHINGTON POST is planning a spread pulled from the embargoed book this Sunday. TIME magazine is planning a "news story" based on the book for next week's issue.

"Schmidt's nothing more than Ken Starr's personal secretary!" charges a senior White House aide on the eve of the book's release. "She was an informant to Starr!" claims a Schmidt enemy in the press with White House ties.

But the barking is based on shadows. No one in the White House has yet had access to the book.

That will change within hours.

Let the Roar Begin!


-- - (x@xxx.com), April 21, 2000

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