When will they yank Elian from his American Home?greenspun.com : LUSENET : TB2K spinoff uncensored : One Thread |
Time is closing in his American family.I say they will get him bright and early Sunday morning. A reversed Easter Bunny kinda deal.
When do you think they will get him?
-- Your Full Name (Your@Email.Address), April 21, 2000
When parental rights prevail over politics.
-- No Spam Please (nos_pam_please@hotmail.com), April 21, 2000.
YEP,When parental rights become #1 priority....however they could send him on easter dad hunt...
-- consumer (shh@aol.com), April 21, 2000.
The gobmint will set a fire down the street or stage some sort of HUGE diversion (maybe something nice will happen, like a UFO will land and some Hollywood star will pop out and sign autographs), and then when all the people in front of Elian's house aren't looking, the Feds will swoop down in a Black 'coptor and WOOSH! All gone. As to when, if I knew that, I'd put that talent into picking lotto numbers.
-- (kb8um8@yahoo.com), April 21, 2000.
A few cracked colored eggs, some displaced green plastic grass, then it's all over folks.Watch for televised coverage of Easter Bunny roadkill...
-- dinosaur (dinosaur@williams-net.com), April 21, 2000.
I make it Monday or Tuesday. Probably Tuesday. That gives the Justice Dept a business day to deliver the "ultimatim letter" to the family. They won't take him on Easter. Too politically incorrect.
-- Yeah Right (Ahhhh@haaa.haaa.haaa), April 21, 2000.
kb8um LOLOL brilliant!
-- cin (cinlooo@aol.corn), April 22, 2000.
when all the people in front of Elian's house aren't looking, the Feds will swoop down in a Black 'coptor and WOOSH! All gone.Okay, so it was a black SUV at 5:30 am ... from the early tapes, it still looks like a lot of people were around.
-- (kb8um8@yahoo.com), April 22, 2000.
Personally, I am happy that Elian will be reunited with his father.Of greater concern to me is what the purpose was in ramping up all the attention to this issue. TPTB decided to focus the attention of this country on this little boy and his plight for a reason. Probably to divert the country's attention from something else. JMHO.
I have barely followed the story as it has progressed. One thing that my Y2K doomerism taught me is that it is better for me to not dwell on all of the negatives and drama that occurs throughout the world daily. Sometimes, just looking at this board makes one feel that the end is nigh.
Today I choose to have a great day. Gonna work in the yard, play with my kids, take a bike ride, make a fire, and hit a few garage sales. I refuse to watch the round the clock coverage of the raid and capture of this little boy. Waste of time. Seize the day. Enjoy it!!
-- greg holmberg (drgah@earthlink.com), April 22, 2000.